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Rolleiflex Camera

polycounter lvl 7
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Gallamanji polycounter lvl 7

Rolleiflex Camera

**Critique Verrry welcome**

Marmoset Viewer of it can be found here,https://www.artstation.com/artwork/wOqlw

 the textures look like they corrupted when I uploaded the viewer, not sure, but any input in that v appreciated as well


  • Zodd
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    Zodd polycounter lvl 11
    Hi, looks very solid, hi poly is nicely done, so is low poly but regarding material definition there may be something more you can do to push it, and give it that little extra that will make it stand out.

    First Albedo - the reference images are a bit small so i may not be interpreting them correctly, but i think that those "leather" bits are too bright, i would push them into darker and colder hues. Metal parts are 100% white, and while i guess they do look like that in the ref image
    they would benefit from being slightly darker so that the reflection and metalness can do their job :)
    Roughness is roughly ( pun intended :) ) the same on every part, granted the camera in the reference is pretty smooth/glossy overall but try and put some more definition between the materials, even tho the metal on objectives is really glossy it can benefit from some difference in glossiness here and there ;).
    Also try different lighting environments/setups, i am having difficulties differentiating metals from non-metals on screenshots (not so much in marmoset viewer)
    Its a really cool piece, and i think it can be taken further with some minor adjustments here and there, Cheers ! :)

    Oh and, almost forgot,  the link in your sig below is broken, needed to delete "_Reactions" to make it go to your page on artstation :)

  • Gallamanji
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    Gallamanji polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you very much Zodd, I really appreciate the in depth critique :) Will look into all of those issues.  And thanks for pointing out the signature issue!
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    Presentation needs serious work. Everything is too cramped. I thought this was a moodboard at first glance, not a final. A few tips:

    Don't put wireframes in the same shot as your main beauty render
    show wireframes untriangulated
    if you really want to show reference, put it on a breakdown, not a beauty render
    Don't render orthos, having no perspective makes things look odd
    Frame your shots more carefully and allow more space around them. Read up on photography composition.

    It's a nice asset. Studying how to show it off better would put it way over the top
  • Gallamanji
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    Gallamanji polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you, I was concerned about the presentation myself. I did an online course, and the tutor, an industry vet (who was really good) said to present them this way. All on one page, including wireframe, ref in the corner etc. (Can't remember what he said about scale and orthos though) I noticed no one else on art station does this presentation, apart from people who have done my course.

    An example is this portfolio, using same method. https://www.artstation.com/artist/mazzocme

    For the record, I'm not defending it or excusing it, I'm just saying we were taught to do it this way, and I also have been concerned about it. I'm interested in what people have to say about it.

    Thas v much for your feedback!
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    I did an online course, and the tutor, an industry vet (who was really good) said to present them this way. All on one page, including wireframe, ref in the corner etc. 
    eesh, sorry man. Understood. Educators giving out outdated/wrong information is a huge topic right now. He might have wanted it this way so student art was easier to review. Hopefully that's it. But no, it's not doing the high quality of your work any favors. 

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