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[WIP] Beach Scene - Looking for critique and improvements

polycounter lvl 3
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Stewart774 polycounter lvl 3
Hi guys im looking for critique on this WIP environment as i think it looks a little bare. Im going to add windshield wipers to the van next.


  • ArasTM
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    ArasTM polycounter lvl 5
    Hi, the van looks nice but you're starting wrong. When starting work on such a scene you really should start with a blockout and a rough aproximation / composition where you'll place what. Maybe the beach should be behind the car, maybe you'd like to add some buildings behind or something, whatever you want to do make a plan / blockout first it'll help you a lot! :) 

  • Chidambhar_Swaroop
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    Chidambhar_Swaroop polycounter lvl 2
    I agree with ArasTM. Creating a simple blockout always helps. You can adjust the scale, decide on level design and all that stuff before itself. Hence u will save a ton of time in the future and that is how every industry pipeline works ( I am still a student but that is what everybody tells me, hahaha). The Van looks nice butI I think u can still push it by adding dirt and stuff as it will be in a beach environment...
    Here is a video on level design ( By Epic ) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDsJOFyxMnw&t=812s
    Also, some industry pro explaining abt level design and also mentions abt blockout stuff  ( Naughty Dog Company ) - https://80.lv/articles/defining-environment-language-for-video-games/
    Keep going  :)
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