Unable to find the bind pose for : / MasterSeduta_Skinned:sedutanimation:uomo1_B_0008:Group / MasterSeduta_Skinned:seduta ... animation:uomo1_B_0008:Chest_M / MasterSeduta_Skinned:sedutanimation:uomo1_B_0008:Neck_M. No bind poses in the hierarchy containing the object will be exported.
Unable to find the bind pose for : / MasterSeduta_Skinned:sedutanimation:uomo1_B_0008:Group / MasterSeduta_Skinned:seduta ... ation:uomo1_B_0008:NeckPart2_M / MasterSeduta_Skinned:sedutanimation:uomo1_B_0008:Head_M. Use the DAG node current transform.
Unable to find the bind pose for : / MasterSeduta_Skinned:sedutanimation:uomo1_B_0008:Group / MasterSeduta_Skinned:seduta ... :uomo1_B_0008:NeckPart1_M / MasterSeduta_Skinned:sedutanimation:uomo1_B_0008:NeckPart2_M. Use the DAG node current transform.
And so on...
Can anyone help? Thank you.
But you would have a lot of other problems if your skeleton and mesh are separating like that...