Hi all, I'm quite new to both this forum and game art in general, but here is my first piece. It's just a tank drawn in Illustrator that somewhat follows the style of the Advanced Wars GBA series. Any critique is welcome and appreciated. Thanks!
I'm also conscious about the shading and shadows and the colors used, so any tips on how I can improve on those aspects would be amazing.

Even though it's suppose to be like Advance Wars, it deviates away from taking real inspiration from tanks and stylizing them which Advance Wars did.
The entire rhombus-like shape gives the impression it might be an APC, but it has 2 tank turrets. There's a rectangular box jutting from the side which I'm not sure what's its purpose may be. Maybe it could be a smoke launcher? And lastly, how practical is this tank?
How does the driver and other crew enter it? There's a window above the big turret, but due to the size, wouldn't it make the engines really big or the crew really small?
Edit: I would also look into your perspective. Your lines all across the tank are going in several directions instead of one vanishing point.