What are some things you guys do in the Polish stage to add more physicality to your animations? When I finish an animation it looks good but when I look at Adam Turnbull or Richard Lico's animations, there's something there that I can't seem to figure out.
His recent Vimeo videos about his game at Polyarc (Moss) demonstrates it and he even shows you it in a brief tutorial. He adds jiggle to ears and the characters belly its amazing.
Usually, in the polish stage, I look at the action and figure out what is driving the force, I then offset the curves so a certain axis or limb leads the motion. Nothing lands on the same frame.
E.g. in a punch, I would maybe offset the curves so the twist of the body happens before the tilt of the chest. Also, the hips will probably lead the motion before the chest. You can then break each body part up and then break it even further by offsetting the axes.
This also helps with timing as well.
Polish is hard to master, it's what separates good animation from great animation. I'm still trying to figure it out.