As the title suggests I have recently finished up on a long term project and I am now available for short or long term freelance opportunities. I pride myself on my 100% transparency when it comes to rates and time put into the work required. If the project is right I am willing to work for portfolio rights however my priority is on gaining myself paid contracts. Rates are job dependent.
I am also able to do basic rigging both bipeds and creature if the project requires it.
Please feel free to contact me through private message here or you can find contact information at my website below. most recent work "Post Scriptum" on my website will give you an idea of the quality I can provide to you.
Thank you for taking the time to consider me for your project and I look forward to hearing from you.
Any inquiries please feel free to contact me.
Also added an alternate reload of the same weapon which hasn't been used but I think is neat.
If this is something you do full time then my best advice in the small time I have been doing this is remain as open and polite as possible to everyone. Common courtesy is free. Keep working on things to show off, don't be afraid to wear the whole "Junior" badge as long as your rates reflect that. As long as you are willing to put the effort in for a client to learn new processes and respond well to more experienced team members constructive criticism you should find your services needed within a team.
Good luck on your hunt and have fun with it. When you have no work coming in it is stressful but it is the nature of freelance so always have a back up plan.
If you have a project that requires animation please feel free to contact me so we can discuss how I can help your project!
Got some more time on the run up to the holidays and beyond so if you are after some animation please feel free to drop me a message or visit my website!
If you require any animation work please PM me here or you can find other contact methods at my website linked in my signature.
if you have any animation work needed for your project please get in touch so we can get you what you need!
(All camera work was done in engine by another talented person so cannot take credit for it)
0.38-0.43: Hand turning door knob and door opening/settle
0.43-1.01: Twitching idle of female character
1.00-1.04: Raising/grabbing of right arm
1.07-1.13: First Person arm animation
2.15-2.18: Stabbing animation (First person arms only)
2.23-2.29: Opening and raise of hand.
Remainder: All first person arm animation seen (Not the camera work)
If you have animation needs please PM me or contact me via Discord or Skype (Found at my website above) and let us discuss how I can be useful to you or your team.
Discord: ChewyButton#2151
Here is a personal Mech piece I am currently working on (Not my rig, just the animation is mine)
Discord: ChewyButton#2151
Here is a personal piece I am chipping away at for attention.
I find myself with some rare free time before I jet off for a week on the 15th October, in that time I am hoping to help you with some animation work you may need doing while also opening up a line of communication for a potential long term working relationship. Please get in touch via PM here or you can find me on discord with my user name in the post above.
I look forward to hearing from you and cannot wait to see what cool projects are on going.
Just so you have something new to look at I have kept weapon animation going, please get in touch with me here or contact me via email/discord!
Discord: ChewyButton2151#
Hope you are all staying safe and well. I am back with some free time to fill with contracts so if you and your projects have a need for a Maya animator please get in touch! My big on going project I can show bits about is "Samurai Zero" which you can see some footage of here!
I am responsible for the combat and a lot of the movement.
I will however prioritise horror based projects as I have not got to rig or animate anything grotesque lately.
Feel free to contact me via PM or via the details in the original post.