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Summer Work (Critiques Welcomed)

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medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
Hi I am a 17 year old student trying to get better at creating game assets.
I am going to try and update this thread every day with new pieces of work I am doing this because I am current in my summer holiday where I am moving from collage to the university of Hertfordshire to study games art.
I am creating a scene in unreal that will showcase all of my summer work so I can see my own progression
Today's Creation


  • trungnguyenc4fe
    17? Starting soon, aren't you? I advise you to work on something bigger or a bit more complicated next time (maybe a sword or gun?). A hammer doesn't have a lot of detail so I can't say much. The handle is too shiny, if this is a old hammer then it should be dirtier (in the corner or where it is held), and less shiny. Also the bump mark on the hammer head is too stand out, could be lighter, subtle detail. It will be nicer that way.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Looks pretty good actually, did you make the textures yourself or are you using substance materials or something?

    Did you use reference? if so, care to show? if not, FIND some and try to match it!
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    17? Starting soon, aren't you? I advise you to work on something bigger or a bit more complicated next time (maybe a sword or gun?). A hammer doesn't have a lot of detail so I can't say much. The handle is too shiny, if this is a old hammer then it should be dirtier (in the corner or where it is held), and less shiny. Also the bump mark on the hammer head is too stand out, could be lighter, subtle detail. It will be nicer that way.
    I will definitely try to create something more complicated tomorrow and yes I agree now that I look at it the handle looks brand new where as the main hammer head looks extremely old I will keep that in mind for my next model thanks.
    lotet said:
    Looks pretty good actually, did you make the textures yourself or are you using substance materials or something?

    Did you use reference? if so, care to show? if not, FIND some and try to match it!
    I only used one substance material and even that was edited I try to use the least amount of prebuilt materials as possible if I can
    and as for reference this is what I used.

    Thanks for the great feedback guys.
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    As for today I created some textures in substance designer as well as a material in UE4 that allows me to use vertex painting with each of the materials.

    Here is the master material I created It is very simple.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    My next project a more complex object as suggested by @trungnguyenc4fe so I decided to create a military medic Humvee
    during this project I am also learning Maya because the university I am going to uses it instead of 3DS Max which is what I am used to.
    This is today's progress on the model.
    I still have alot to do.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    sadly I was quite busy today so I couldn't get much done but I was able to do the high poly model for the Humvee tyres
    I still have a bit to do like fixing the hub caps ad adding bolts to it but it is mostly done.

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Looks good! keep it up!
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    It's real life minecraft! 
  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    Keep it up, a humvee is a bog job so prepare to take a couple of weeks on the modeling side of things to get a good result. The Tires look good your off to a good start. 
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    sadly once again I didn't have much time to do much work but i did a bit more on the truck base.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    today I had a lot of time to add more to it but I still have a lot more to go.

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Looking good, I feel like you can go softer/bigger on your bevels though. 
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    today I had a little time to add details like rivets and bolts.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Today I wanted to focus on small pieces that are found around the vehicle that I forgot to add when creating each separate bit.

    I started working on the front axle of the car
    as well as redoing the base of the interior and adding a quick steering wheel.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Today I have nearly finished the high poly of the Humvee I just need to add some pieces in the interior

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    I dont know that much about cars, but it Looks good to me, keep it up!
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Now that I have finished the high-poly i have started working on the low poly

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    I have finished the Low-poly for the base of the Humvee.

    This is the low poly with a quick normal map bake.
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    I have continued to create the lowpoly for each of the parts as well as unwrapping them as I go

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Now I finished all of the low polys and unwrapped them apart from the steering wheel and interior gauges and dials.
    I also created the cages for each of the low polys models

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Looks good, and like a b*tch to bake, good luck! :)

    how many UV sets are you planning on having?
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    I was going to go for one 4k map for most of the vehicle and a 512 for the windows.
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Today I was trying to get a good bake for my model but after I had exploded my mesh i kept getting a weird normal error I will try to solve it tomorrow.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Today I got my bakes to come out correctly as well as I created some test materials to see how the model would look in unreal.
    Tomorrow I will focus on creating the textures.

  • Youshi
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    Youshi polycounter lvl 3
    Nice stuff

    As far as the textures are concerned this is where you need to study the reference a hell of a lot! I think you could do with less mud/dirt and more dust! The reflectence values don't look sport on either, some nice sun bleaching would be great too.

    Depending on whether you want this to be more of a hero asset or not, I think a few aspect could use some geometry as opposed to just a normal, Like the ventilation on the front. Either that or you need to push the texturing more, it kind of looks like someones drawn it on with a marker.
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Here are some updated textures (Still not finished)

    and @Youshi yes I think I will add some more geometry on the vents.

  • Carabiner
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    Carabiner greentooth
    Nice work so far! I think you could tone down the noise in all of your materials, but definitely in the tires. If you compare your material to your reference, your tires are way more noisy and have stronger normals than necessary. 
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    would love to see a more neutral renders.  right now its really hard to judge anything in that strong colored lighting.
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Today I did some more texturing including toning down a lot of the noise which does make it look much better Thanks @Carabiner
    and I also took some more neutral renders with a sudo setup I created with UE4 (Which consts of 4 spotlights)
    This is still not finished

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Im not sure if your scene is REALLY bright or the textures are way to bright, but you need to tone it donw a bit.

    textures loom much better though.
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    I think I am finished on this project for now unless I get some more feedback and today i am going to move onto something else.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    For my next project I am going to be creating a modular setup for creating simple cathedrals.
    I have started by creating some basic pieces and tomorrow I am going to figure out how i am going to unwrap everything so it all lines up correctly.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Today I tested the moulder assets on large scale as well as i have gotten the UVs for the pieces to be a good scale and all line up correctly

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    I didn't have time to post this yesterday but I added some more to my moduler setup.
    I do not like where this project is going so I am going to move on from it.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    I started creating this sword yesterday and unwrapped it and textured it all today.

    Today I also modelled, sculpted and textured this hand to go along with the sword.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    For the past few days I have been working on a new project and this skull is one of the parts of the new project.

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    hey all I have not uploaded in a while because I have been quite busy but here is my latest piece of work.
    I wanted to sculpt some anatomy because I have never tried to create characters.
    I still have a lot to do on it including a lot of face sculpting the hands and I will redo the fibermesh hair.
    The reason I have some fibermesh there is I wanted to test how the hair system worked as I have never used it before.

    Reference sheet

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    After I had finished the HP base I have refined the High poly model as well as created a LP for the Model and baked a normal map.
    LP - 33,392 Tris
    3 texture sheets - 1 for body, 1 for head and 1 for clothing
    Next I am going to be working on creating hair using hair planes.

    LP with normal

  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    Here is the textured model textured in substance painter
    I will eventually add hair to this model but I feel that I need more practice with creating hair as I have found that the type of hair that this person has will be difficult to create.

    In UE4
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    sorry I haven't posted in a while because I have been trying to learn how to render with Arnold in Maya but the new project I am working on is a creature based on a concept I found on

    I am changing the concept partial just because i was liking how some parts were turning out during sculpting.

    Still got some more sculpting to do on this
  • MisterWolfen
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    MisterWolfen polycounter lvl 8
    These are really good so far so keep it up, so far your strengths definitely seem to like in hard surface and props, doesn't hurt to practice other avenues though!

    For the wrestler you did, I'll say for future reference, don't be afraid to have an orthographic front view image in Zbrush and sculpt around that, it's a great way to help establish proportions and will help with a lot of the guess work you might be having.

    Another thing to note is the wrestlers topology, notice how the poly distribution is a little all over the place, generally with topology you want to have the face as the most dense mesh, and the body should be a bit less dense, with the hands being slightly more to compensate for detail :) try to make a more even distribution over the whole mesh and it'll look a lot cleaner

    As for the face topology, I recommend using existing images as reference. a simple google or Pinterest search for "face topology" will help a lot :smiley:

    Hope that helped! Keep practicing
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    These are really good so far so keep it up, so far your strengths definitely seem to like in hard surface and props, doesn't hurt to practice other avenues though!

    For the wrestler you did, I'll say for future reference, don't be afraid to have an orthographic front view image in Zbrush and sculpt around that, it's a great way to help establish proportions and will help with a lot of the guess work you might be having.

    Another thing to note is the wrestlers topology, notice how the poly distribution is a little all over the place, generally with topology you want to have the face as the most dense mesh, and the body should be a bit less dense, with the hands being slightly more to compensate for detail :) try to make a more even distribution over the whole mesh and it'll look a lot cleaner

    As for the face topology, I recommend using existing images as reference. a simple google or Pinterest search for "face topology" will help a lot :smiley:

    Hope that helped! Keep practicing
    Thanks for the critique and yes I normally prefer to do hard surface but I am trying to improve in my weaker areas.
    next time I will defiantly use reference inside of ZBrush like image planes as you can tell i found sculpting from guess work is quite difficult.
    when it comes to topology I am defiantly going to use reference like that on my next project thanks a bunch for that tip.
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    I have been progressing on my snail slowly in and among learning Maya shaders and Arnold

    I still need to do a lot of work in substance

    meanwhile as well as this i have been doing some rendering work in Maya to learn it.

    these are using the snail HP

  • MisterWolfen
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    MisterWolfen polycounter lvl 8
    You seem to be on the right path :smile: don't spread yourself thin though, while it's god to learn rendering in maya, once you get the hang of it I wouldn't stress too much about it, unless of course you want to get into that.

    I learnt a lot about maya rednering throughout school because that's what was required, but from now on most of my folio pieces are going to use renders from Marmoset and Substance painter.

    Keep it up dude
  • medcalfw
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    medcalfw polycounter lvl 8
    This is my updated version of my snail as well as a dungeon generator I have been working on in blueprint.
    for the shell i have tried to create a sort of transcendent material that changes colour based on your viewing angle.

    so far I have made the dungeon generator have interchangeable pieces so you can switch out any of the pieces for pieces of any shape and size and i have made it so there is no overlap in the dungeon my next task is to make it so you will have alternate paths that come off of the pieces with more than one exits.

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