Im looking for a new mouse (preferably bluetooth).Would anybody know of one like the logitech Triathlon? (
https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01KZVQB42/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) I really like this mouse, its bluetooth (no dongle), and has button, however I really dont like the logitech scrollwheels that switch from ratchet to smooth, I find the middle button harder to press and the scroll just less defined as the more basic wheels.
Would anybody know of anything similar? The Logitech G400 looks close, but isn't bluetooth
thanks for any advice!
Some of logitech's mice have both the usb receiver and bluetooth, which is nice. I'm eyeing a new one they have coming out, the m585 or m590. It has a feature that lets you copy and paste files between computers, not a huge perk but could be quicker than using email/cloud.
I actually steer away from bluetooth because it has issues pairing, and Logitech's dongle is almost always instant.
At work I use an MX518 for editing/3D which are no longer available sadly.
However at home I am using a G400 which I prefer over my G900 (gaming/wireless) for editing/3D because I prefer the shape of the G400.
The G703 is more expensive at $99 MSRP but is completely wireless and has a solid build. Sadly, no bluetooth though.
would anybody know if there's anything similar? . Its so easy to push around!
I use it for several years now, very usefull for 3d modeling.
However, it's expensive.