Hey everyone! I made this environment to practice my texturing/UV's because that is one area I'm lacking in more than others. I also did this to practice making a full environment scene as this is my first real one. I made some other attempts but I was either too busy, in over my head, or lost inspiration to keep going. I was inspired by this concept by Josh Kao:
I am "finished" because I want to move onto other stuff but I would love CC! Anything new I learn I will incorporate into future art.
Being a dark scene helps cover the meh texturing so I added some shots of the env without lighting and other things.
As you can see the majority of my attention went to the walls and pillars. I left the floor and background basically untouched because I figured no one will see them anyway. In hindsight, I should have put more effort into the floor, ceiling, and background stuff so everything stayed consistent. I also deviated from the concept. The hologram was tough for me because I couldn't make it look good in a rectangular/flat form so I decided to do a spherical hologram. The black strip along the pillar was meant to add depth, but I should have modeled it along with texturing. Some of the other glaring issues I can see are scaling and hard edges. The pillar proportions are off from the concept. I should have also beveled the edges so they aren't as harsh. Again, any advice would be much appreciated!