Hello. I have a question about UDIM's Unreal Engine 4. From what I've read UE4 does not support UDIM's. Is there a similar way to have multi grids and UE4 does it support? Can anyone know the best way to add several materials in one mesh? I will be grateful for any hint that can bring me closer to the heart of the question. In my workflow I using 3ds max, xnormal and quixel suite. If you need more information or you dont understand me ( sorry for bad english ) I will try better clarify my question.
There is also this plugin ?
Can't say anything about it because I haven't tried it out. But I know the above mentioned method works nicely with small amount of tiles.
Now i want to make 3 materials in one mesh. My intention is to have three 4k textures in one mesh. I know 3 ways:
1. Making ID map for each UV, but the resolution will go down to 3 UV. This way I will achieve one 4k texture.
2. For each UV assign another ID material, so that I reach the intended purpose of the three 4k texture. Unfortunately I do not know if quixel suite supports ID material with 3ds max.
3. Cut mesh into three parts, make UV's, group them together and export.
Is there another way that is better or more professional?
I was like this a few years ago
If I think badly can you give me an example?
During the export setup, there is nothing special, since we only talk about where are some uvs that relates to some textures. I only assigned 1 material. This can work with any amount of tiles/materials though but it gets complex when it comes to huge amount of tiles, as I mentioned. In that case, you want a custom node solution, or that plugin...
But for a few, you do this:
As I said, the if should be used to create the id maps based on uv locations. Then you can lerp the udim tiles to blend them. When you preview the ifs, you can see that it gives you black and white "textures" on the given uv locations, this is why it works with the lerp. Lerp is like a blend mask in PS. When you put a mask on your layer.
will go simple way of having 14 separate mesh pieces and 14 different materials ((( sad
Thread and download here:
Have fun!