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[UE4] Into The Wild Fairbanks Bus 142 - Enki Bilal

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LouisG33 null

Hi everyone,
I would love to have some feedback on this portfolio project I've been working on.

I had the goal of creating an iconic film scene that you will instantly recognize, but in an art style that isn’t normally meant to be 3D. In this case I went for the magic bus scene from the movie «Into The Wild» created by Sean Penn. As for the art-style, That there wouldn’t be a better match as the work of Enki Bilal.

I decided to do as much in post-process as possible, because this has a lot of tweak-able value’s on the go, and because I love doing post :).

I made a fly-through of the scene in a youtube video below.


I would love to hear your feedback!


  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    Your youtube link is broken so I cant watch the video.
    The artstyle reminds me of the TellTale Games like The Walking Dead and GoT.

    The scene looks nice but the background is a bit empty, perhaps you could add more trees or some clouds in the distance. Currently it looks like there is a grey wall behind that hill.
  • LouisG33
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    LouisG33 null
    Hi CybranM,

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll work on the background next!
    I also fixed the link, thanks for letting me know!

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