I am total noob in photoshop.
How to save out huge texture file with less resolution. I have 3 files the resolution is as you see in the picture.
This is file size i have all of those:
So i created New file:
It has 4 channels
RED - Contains file 1
GREEN - Contains file 2
BLUE - Contains file 3
And RGB shows em all as one now.
I need to save the file out as TIF and need to make 3 parts from that file using crop tool
How or what to change to target 4k and 8k
I dont know the size numbers to put in.
Issue is that my pc is crap and in mari cant handle this size of file very well
8K = 8192
Your image isn't square either, if this is VFX it doesn't matter so much, if it's real-time you will most probably want it to be a square texture.