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Overlapping Meshes/Rendering

polycounter lvl 2
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aniket polycounter lvl 2
Ok so this is my first time posting on this site, and so if this is the wrong place or I broke some rule, I apologize.

I am creating an open-world game with real-time combat, involving up to 10 character/enemies on screen at the same time for the PS4, think kind of like Assassin's Creed in terms of specs (polycount/texture res, etc). 
So I just have a few questions because there's a lot I don't know and because I'm making the game completely by myself, so here goes.

1. What is a good polycount for the main character, including a full armor set with some cloth and weapon? Plz specify tries or quads
2. What is a good texture resolution for different parts? The body, a single pauldron? A sword?
3. Is it okay to have armor parts as separate meshes? Would the parts of the body covered by the armor cause any issues?

Here is a screenshot of my male body (haven't done any work on face yet) with base armor parts as separate meshes (Shoulder/Bracers/Chest/Belt/Boxers/Thigh-armor/Greaves/Socks)


  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    aniket said:
    I am creating an open-world game with real-time combat, involving up to 10 character/enemies on screen at the same time for the PS4, think kind of like Assassin's Creed in terms of specs (polycount/texture res, etc). 
    So I just have a few questions because there's a lot I don't know and because I'm making the game completely by myself, so here goes.
    I know this is possibly not what you want to read, and i totally do not want to discourage you. But maybe you should learn to walk before you can run?
    AssCreed gets produced by literally hundreds of people worldwide. It's not a task for a one man army, especially with your level of experience.
    So maybe it would be better if you would focus on one thing at a time before trying to make a production that hundreds of people struggle with :o 
  • aniket
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    aniket polycounter lvl 2
    I appreciate the concern, but I know I'm being extremely ambitious and my chances of success are crazy low, but I don't care. I will either succeed, or fail but learn a ton. So if you can answer my questions, it would be greatly appreciated.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Well, you are guaranteed to fail, thats for sure. So make sure you learn from it atleast :)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    1. 25-30k tris seems to be the ingame resolution, you can easily google for the 3d models for reference
    2. didnt care to look into the textures but really should be simple to find
    3. makre sure armor and body have pretty much the same topology, this should make rigging a lot simpler.
  • Sebvhe
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    Sebvhe greentooth
    There are 99,9999% chances you are not going to make your game, but you should definitely still try, you'll learn so much. Also you actually started something instead of just throwing ideas about the next big hoping for people to praise you like some trolls do from time to time.
    When I first started 3D I wanted to create the whole Middle-Earth Skyrim like :p  I obviously didn't make it but this lead to me finding my passion in 3D art.

    Back to your questions :
    I wish I could give you proper numbers, but I am not a character artist so I'd rather not say anything.
    Just please keep a few things in mind when creating your character :

    - Is your character the main character, or one of the 10 enemies ?
    - How is the camera like, third person? If so, how close from the player?
    - Do you plan on having close-up cinematic?
    - What kind of animations are you going to play on that character, what part are going to move a lot?

    Good luck, don't give up!
  • aniket
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    aniket polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks for the reply Neox and Sebvhe, really appreciate it :)
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