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Zbrush 4R8 - Creasing not carrying into Maya properly

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beefaroni sublime tool
Hi all,

I'm having some problem when working with creases in Maya to Zbrush. I've done this workflow in 4r7 for a long time without any problems so I'm not sure what exactly the issue is.

Here is my mesh in Maya, I'm using a script that auto creases hard edges and leaves soft edges alone.

After pressing GoZ, all edges are creased :(

Going back to Maya. Stepping up 1 subdiv and using "Convert to Smooth Mesh Preview" 

Works in Zbrush now. ???? Not sure what's happening.

Another note, when using .ma exported from Maya it also works


  • beefaroni
    Offline / Send Message
    beefaroni sublime tool

    Looks like Zbrush 4r8 GoZ was a lil buggy. A friend sent over his 4r7 "C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\Maya" path and that worked. I completely removed GoZ from Maya (shelf + button) and then force reinstalled in Zbrush. Works now.

    Could have been something else I did but it's back up and running!
  • cromadbomber
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    cromadbomber polycounter lvl 11
    Im having some issues aswel.

    This wasn't happening in 4R7.

  • cromadbomber
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    cromadbomber polycounter lvl 11
    Ok guys I managed to solve this. Apparently new GoZ or creasing inside Zbrush doesn't like triangles. So here is the solution!
    Inside Maya select the object you want to transfer to Zbrush.
    Apply cleanup and select "Faces with more than 4 sides".
    Now here is the step that wasn't required before.
    With your mesh selected go to Mesh -> Smooth Proxy - Subdiv Proxy.
    This thing will subdivide your mesh(Hence turning it into full quads) and WILL KEEP CREASING ON IT!
    Now you can hit your GoZ button and mesh will be properly subdivided in Zbrush.

    Now if anyone has any idea how could I automate this via Python/MEL? :P
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