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The order 1886 style bust progress (UE4)

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Sunray polycounter lvl 9

I'm working on creating a realistic male head I was hoping to get some feedback from some of you lovely people. I also have one progress picture I started from a sphere. I haven't added any secondary forms yet I want to get my primary forms good first.


  • Ouran
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    Ouran greentooth
    First things that come to mind:
    1. Lips and eyelids seems really sharp to me.
    2. Ears  when viewed from the front are too flat.
    3. Transition from lower lip to skin under it should be smoother
    4. Nasolabial fold and crease coming from the inner part of the eyes are too parallel. It's possible in real life but unappealing.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you, I will take a better look at my references and correct those issues. 

    Although wI was wondering what you meant with the nasolabial fold and crease from the inner part of they eye. Isn't the nasolabial fold the one that comes down from the nose to the sides of the mouth?
  • Ouran
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    Ouran greentooth
    I meant these two lines. Yes you got that right for the nasolabial ^^

  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Oh never gave it any thought before I totally see what you mean now thanks!

  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9

    Hey I feel like the transitions are a lot better now I feel like my Nasolabial fold and the crease are still pretty parallel but I don't think it looks bad. But I feel like the under lids still looks off but I don't know why do you have any idea?
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    The point at the top of his head is way too pronounced.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    slosh said:
    The point at the top of his head is way too pronounced.
    Thanks for "pointing that out" (I'm sorry) It was too pronounced I toned it down a bit I think it looks a lot better now.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Decided to make it look like he belongs in the world of the order 1886. Hair and cloth are just quickly blocked in.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Came back to this bust after finishing my previous project worked a bit more on the face also did some more work on the armor.I feel like the ear could use some more work so I will be sculpting a bit more on that.
  • kreativbloc
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    kreativbloc polycounter lvl 3
    What's your ref? If your doing a realistic bust you should post your ref so we can see your goal. As far as it fitting in the world of The Order 1886 you need to go full realistic in the anatomy stuff. The rest is hair and clothing that fits the time. Also you need to break symmetry at some point so it looks realistic. 
    Hope this helps, keep it up.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Using these two as reference 
    Making the same thing as adam skutt(upper reference) so I can really figure on the head. Only planning to also add eyes and hair as well and ofc making it game ready. I will break the symmetry after I'm done with the primary forms. I'm planning to have the correct primary forms>retopo>break symmetry>secondary forms>fix topology>add tertiary forms.

    Not doing a likeness sculpt of any face just have a shit load of face reference and try to put it all together into a face I like.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Noticed my armor was off from the concept so I fixed that also spend some time on the cloth the next days I will probably get into making all the fold looking good and adding the pattern to the armor.(texture on the clothing pad was a quick test with the tileable texture creation plugin for ZBrush) Also added some changes to the ears.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Took a bit longer as I expected due my laptop crashing I had to reinstall windows and download/backup all my stuff. But I worked on the details of the armor and worked on the cloth a bit more. And some subtle changes here in and there on the head. I'm still not happy about the ear.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Made a lot of primary form changes on the face. Started to break symmetry and added some of the wrinkles. Improved the clothing and detailed the leather strap. 

  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Did a bit more work on the head also did the retopo my goal was to stay within 12-15 k tris I ended up around 13k tris. I will be sculpting a bit more on the face here and there before I move on to the displacement maps. Also I'm finally starting to like my ears they still need some work tho. 
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    The eyelids need to be better, and when is a head that bumpy?

    Other than that it looks pretty good.
    Thanks for the feedback! I was wondering how I could improve the eyelids?
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    @BlenderHeadZ  O yeah I see what you mean that pic is pretty old already I think I fixed it already not sure tho, will take a look at it. Thanks a lot!
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Done with the details.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    i like the details, but why are there specks all over his face?
    Thanks carrot, those are his moles.
  • Jakub
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    Jakub interpolator
    Personally I think you are a bit too afraid to push in some details on his face, wrinkles should be deeper, you can make them pop by adding volume to what's between them. 

    Also, you won't be able to make good lips without having an option to open mouth the mouth, I'd rework topology in that area. 

    Overall looks good, I like the armor.

    Keep up!
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Jakub said:
    Personally I think you are a bit too afraid to push in some details on his face, wrinkles should be deeper, you can make them pop by adding volume to what's between them. 

    Also, you won't be able to make good lips without having an option to open mouth the mouth, I'd rework topology in that area. 

    Overall looks good, I like the armor.

    Keep up!
    Thanks for the advice man, I will be doing that for my next project as I wanted this to be a quick project. The lip details are almost all from a projected displacement that I converted to a normal map. Three separate ones so I can combine them later so the strength on the details will change once it's real time. I'll make sure to keep an eye out that the lip details are strong enough thanks! I'll also take a look at how to wrinkles feel once I've textured him otherwise I'll add some more volume to them. I already used the standard brush in between to make them pop a bit more. But I felt I made them pop too much. So I decided to make tone it down a bit. But like you said I think I' afraid to push the details too much haha. 
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Decided to do the albedo textures with texturing XYZ map projecting and cleaning them up in Mari. This is still very early on the texture but this is what I got so far it still needs a lot of work. For the armor I will do the textures in substance painter and designer. I'm thinking about trying to render in ue4 instead of marmoset I'm not sure yet. If anyone has some things to say about marmoset vs ue4 I would appreciate it!
    I'm going to start on the lp and bake of the armor from now on.
  • Koromo
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    Koromo polycounter lvl 4

    The head texture seems pretty good for an early version. But you need to clean the projection in spots like the bottom eyelashes or the neck( in the center it feels different vs the sides) and perhaps add more brownish/violet tones in the eye bag area and yellowish in the upper front.

    Marmoset vs ue4 :

    -Far simpler and faster scene and texture setup( at least for me) but limited in shader types and especially blending.
    -Easiest eye/skin/hair shading with outstanding results in no time like the dithering+sampling on hair or the AO baked+add transparency+parallax on eyes.
    -No need for lightmaps or textures conversion like ue4 and that speeds up the workflow.
    -Reflection quality lags behind ue4 in my opinion, in marmoset the screen space reflections show a blurry result vs ue4

    * In general has a limited but successful shader types for present your work in AAA level of quality.

     -Much denser/complex buuuut it allows you to achieve almost any shader + if you buy post process packs like the Chameleon, you can develop a lot of styles, from cell shading/hand draw, to a more cinematic presentation.
    -It´s obviously the best alongside cryengine to present full environments and the node capability allows "Infinite" possibilities.
    -For characters( if you have the knowledge) it stay amongst the best too, see Baolong Zhang for example.
    -For me the eye it´s a little bit trickier and the hair...ugh i never obtain the same dithering/clean transparency that i have in Marmoset.
    -Plus you have the example scenes and a LOT of info and tutorials in the internet included their you tube channel.

    "In a nutshell":
     Marmo: Easier, Faster, Better for single props/characters.
    UE4: Harder, Far more options, Better  for larger environment or complex scenes. Allows you to make almost anything in terms of shading.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9

    Thanks for the reply man, Yeah it still does need a lot of cleaning up. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for the colors of the face but I was planning to fix that after projecting. Thanks for all the info about the differences I'll probably give them both a shot and see how both of them work out for me. Yeah, Baolong Zhang piece was very nice and also after seeing this https://texturing.xyz/pages/brav-fg-texturing-a-realistic-face-for-real-time-rendering-inside-unreal-engine-4 I wanted to try ue4 for my self. 
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Haven't updated in a while, I decided to stay with marmoset after looking into and trying ue4.I have completed the lp ,uvs and and bakes of everything. I've started with the armor textures today in SP. Quickly threw them into marmoset to do a quick preview there. Some normal details are a bit too strong yet. I've only worked on the armor.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    My CPU fan broke down so I couldn't work on the bust for some time here is a render of what I've got so far I'm still working on the textures. The detail on the lips is way to weak so I'll have to do some resculpting and baking to get them stronger. I also need to get some more color variation in the lips.  The head only has albedo, normal and ao maps for now. I'm going to take a break from texturing and will start on the hair. 
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Done with the block in of the hair I'm not really liking the beard but I'm not sure how to fix it yet.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Finished the base layer of the hair will be moving to the breakup layer next, the maps and material still need some tweaking. I also made a small start on the beard base layer.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Quick update he isn't looking like an orange anymore the moles need some more work and I still need to add more detail in the albedo. I also got my normals and displacement map on him. I still need to get detail normals on him. The gloss is just one value still need to create a map for it with the details in it to make it pop a bit more. I just started working on the eyes still need to tweak them a lot.

  • Tetranome
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    Tetranome polycounter lvl 6
    Just wanted to drop by and say this is looking like a really good step forward from your last project :)
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    @Tetranome Thanks man, I've really been trying to push my self with this one.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    So after spending some time trying to get custom shaders to work for marmoset. And fooling around a bit more I decided to go with ue4. I have no idea yet how anything works. So I'm going to take a dive in everything of ue4 starting with shaders. Any good tutorials or articles or whatever is appreciated. Here is what he looks like now in ue4 with a subsurface shading model. I'm really excited to look at creating a shader with multiple normal details slots. So I can achieve a better-detailed skin.
  • Koromo
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    Koromo polycounter lvl 4

    Good choice with UE4! As it´s much more complex than Toolbag you can add as many inputs/blends/detail maps(i think),

    For me without knowing "nothing" your head mesh looks better in ue4.

    Good tutorials...Unreal in youtube as a good example, they cover almost everything from basic to some intermediate things, as wel as their webpage tutorials. For example, detail normals first screenshot:

    Then look characters made in UE4, like Paragon or Unreal Tournament.

    For me, personally i was using the workflow from Square Enix in GDC but in the end i couldn´t apply it, the smear map and the rgba vertex colours as i was using Toolbag limited to 1 detail normal.

    Maybe in UE4 there is a logic implementation of the directionality detail normal workflow

  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    @Koromo Thanks man! I will be taking a look at their videos on youtube and start reading through shader documentations they have.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Broke down ue4 photo-realistic shader and trying to understand it all. I also added some stuff on my own here is a gif of some detail normal/albedo/roughness I added.

  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Starting to get the hang of ue4 will be starting on the eyes tomorrow. Skin still need some tweaking but it's getting there. haven't look at hair shaders yet.
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    The hair and the eyes still missing some detail normal maps. The hair need some more cards tho.

    I'm getting really weird lighting lines in my screengrabs I don't get them in the viewport self I have no idea how to fix them. @koromo Would you happen to know why?
  • Koromo
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    Koromo polycounter lvl 4

    I need some screenshots showing the settings/graphics or lights, also... are you using Toolbag or UE4?

    If it´s toolbag 99% weird lightning lines like yours are from GI without enveloping all the voxelized scene and/or the lights themselves.

    If it´s UE4... far more complex, can be from the graphic settings, from the light settings,maybe shadow flickering...a lot of things.

    Moving lights and or deactivating them to see if the lines stay or disappear.

    Also try to increase the quality of the alpha hair cards, via temporal antialiasing(TXAA). trying alpha blending, try on/off dithering...
  • almighty_gir
  • adrxzero
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  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    @koromo I'm using ue4 I have no idea why but it fixed itself when I opened the project again today. The lines disappeared no idea what happened haha. Also where do you activate txaa I tried finding it. The only thing I can find is the standard antialiasing. 

    @almighty_gir Meep!
  • Koromo
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    Koromo polycounter lvl 4

    If you want to change between the different anti aliasing types go to: 

    *PostProcessVolume - Misc - AA method:

    I suppose that using the console always unlocks more possibilities(like Cryengine does).


    Thanks! It would be awesome if more people knows and can implement this workflow into Marmoset/Unreal/Cryengine/Unity and other engines to achieve a much finer details at a fraction of the original texture resolution as well as reducing a lot of sculpting time.
     It´s a great timesaver!
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    @koromo Thanks man found it and I didn't even know you could do stuff like that in the console.
  • dGreenberg
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    dGreenberg polycounter
    Hey @Sunray, That's some awesome progress you've made so far! It's come a long way and the character is looking better and more resolved with each update. Looking forward to see how the textures/hair/eyes continue to improve. 
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    @dGreenberg Hey thanks man still planning to improve him a lot!

  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Haven't updated in 3 weeks I received some feedback and went back to ZBrush to redo some of the sculpting of the face. Left one is before right one is after. I also worked a bit more on the hair and the beard. And his armor textures are all done.
    Feel free to leave any feedback!
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Quick sketch of his hair will be starting over with he hair again. As I wasn't happy with how it looked. Some more pics of the bust: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lq4oo
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