Hey everyone, wanted to show off the shoe I'm creating from concept to render. The idea here is something that could possibly be showed off for a product development and design position.
Let's start with the design. I'm not great at 2D art but I felt these concepts gave me a good idea of what I wanted to do with the form and aesthetics.

The Front view didn't come out especially well, but I think it gave me enough to work with. The color palette is fairly basic. I'm thinking of adding some more black somewhere in there. I was also going to do a couple variations on the colors. Thinking green and yellow and orange ( U of O colors) and maybe some sort of LBGT palette for pride day.
Next up, modeling!

I'm happy with it so far. The outer boot mesh is quite as smooth as the inside. gonna do a little more work on that and see if I can smooth it out a bit. I left a gap between the boot and the sole because I'm planning on using a displacement map to texture the design on the boot. Any advice or pointers would be much appreciated!
I was out of town for a couple weeks, otherwise I'd have posted this earlier.
So I'm more or less done with the displacement/bump mapping. I still need to add a noise bump on the soles to rough up the rubber a little bit, but these pics will give a good idea of the final product.
One tidbit; I discarded the strap from the original design. The more I modeled and the more mapping I did, the more I felt that a strap like that was a little too heavy for what I was going for. I'm happier with the results I've gotten since doing so.
Anyway, here's what I've got so far.
Barring no major changes, I'm off to color and lighting! I should have a finished product soon.
I'm more or less done with the shading and lighting, as well as the post work. Have a look.
If you guys have any words of wisdom as to how I could make this better. As always, constructive criticism is always welcome.