Hi all, I have been working on a project for my portfolio and I am at the point where I believe the high poly version is nearing complete and would like to gain some feedback on what areas could be improved upon as well as hopefully getting a few questions answered.

I have already noted to redo the chest piece and still need to add facial details but one question I do have is about adding a pattern to the body. Noisemaker seems distorts the areas that aren't facing the camera and I need it to wrap around the model equally. Is there a way to achieve this?
You should fix the forms before continuing, and may need to scrap the armor even.
You're not close to done, but that does you mean there's so much more to accomplish and succeed at.
Take your time and get the major forms perfect before you move onto the details
Otherwise the detail on the armour looks good, but i think it'd be worth your time to restart the body
Kyle Hefley's Elite sculpt would be great reference, there's a couple shots without the armour: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EYl54
Today I have made a few adjustments to the armour and their scales (Unfinished). While I agree with BallistikBiskit and Brian, my refernce images above are from a 2007 elite design so would it be reccommended to stick with that models anatomy/design or aim for a more modern design simlar to Kyle's Elite sculpt?
Here is a before and after shot of todays work.
Over the next few days I will be improving the body sections and will most likely begin a weekly update on the project.
Again, thank you for providing feedback.
Here's a photo that might help with that (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WKX3D ):
Some general areas of improvement I have noted:
- Skin (Looks too smooth)
- Face (needs details)
- Nails/claws (Needs some)
Firstly, I completely revamped the model and started fresh but left the armour the same. I used body-builder reference images to fix the proportion issue previously critiqued.
Abdominal muscles are too tiny. Need to be 100% bigger to be more believable.
Not sure what those line bumps are across the sternum. It implies the skin is sretching over the pectoral muscles, but that would mean your A pose isn't a relaxed pose. It doesn't make sense unless the skin is that taut aross the chest.
The clavicle bone is this straight line when it should be an S curve.
The deltoid muscle rounds off at the insertion point instead of looking like it inserts into the bottom of the upper arms.