I'm able to get the radiosity ao to vertex stuff working fine through the vertex paint modifier. The problem is I only want the result into one of the vertex channels, e.g. only red instead of white and black so i can use it appropriately in ue4 without messing up my other vert colours.
I haven't been able to find any other solutions on the web for doing this specific thing.
Does anybody have a solution or possible workaround that does not require manual painting?
Just turned up red all the way so i was left with red in occluded areas and white everywhere else.
Since I still needed black instead of white I used the hsv tickbox in the colour adjuster to turn down the value and turn up saturation all the way. In the layer mode section on the floating box i turned mine to linear light since it seemed to give the best result. What Im left with is my red occluded areas on top of my original vertex colours and black everywhere else.