Hey folks!
I'm currently taking a Rigging class at College and I want to do some extra research besides all the topics covered during classes.
I wanna know if you guys have the knowledge of a place or a rigging artist name with some tutorials to check out, only using Autodesk Maya, I'm aiming for some material like Sergi Caballer's:
Also something like Eyad Hussein's stuff:
If you know more information about this that would be much appreciated!!
Thanks for all your help and I hope u have a great day!
Digital tutors was gobbled up by Pluralsight which has eaten a lot of tutorial sites out there, so they're a pretty good spot to get good tutorials that weren't made in someones basement. Don't get me wrong, those can have some really good info but you have to sift through mountains of "ummm... so... hi... smash that subscribe buttonz!"
Thank you so much for your kind reply, I'll look forward into Digital Tutors now Pluralsight, Cheers!