I created this gun for the BossKey art test. It was recently released from NDA so I thought I'd post and share. Models were made with 3DS Max, textured in Substance Painters.
looks cool! the worn edges look strangely black/dark? I would have expected the worn off paint to reveal slightly reflective metal rather than black/brown stuff. I really like the see through round cover on the side, really cool touch. I dont understand whats going on with that black dotty texture on some parts, is it a rubber coating? it seems rather arbitrarily placed rather than following the shape of the weapon - I assume this was just part of the concept.
looks cool! the worn edges look strangely black/dark? I would have expected the worn off paint to reveal slightly reflective metal rather than black/brown stuff. I really like the see through round cover on the side, really cool touch. I dont understand whats going on with that black dotty texture on some parts, is it a rubber coating? it seems rather arbitrarily placed rather than following the shape of the weapon - I assume this was just part of the concept.
Ya, it was all in the concept. It's some kind of faux-carbon fiber, at least thats how I was interpreting it. A friend had a buttstock on a shotgun covered with that stuff and I used it as an inspiration. As for the shiny, its something I think about, but I decided it's probably exposed to the air and beginning to rust. The shapes made me think of a power-tool and less of a weapon, so probably thrown in a tool box and neglected, collecting rust and dirt etc. But Yeh, maybe it should have been shinier lol.