I created this thing and I really want to help spread the word to the 3D modeling community because I personally feel like its a game changer. What is the best way to do that? I've been on here (mostly lurking) for years and some of you may be familiar with my software in the past (the iPad version).
What you saw was not a required mode. You can be in VR the entire time. The UX in VR is pretty good according to everyone who has actually tried it. I'm encouraging you to take a leap and give it a try yourself. Its hard to convey it with images or videos. Just remember its not a sculpting tool, its a blender-style modeling application.
I alost don't understand the "$20 is too much mentality". I'm not trying to be combative, its just that for the features I provide, and for how much you guys pay per month for programs like maya, it'd make sense to support someone who is trying to provide alternatives for MUCH cheaper that will (with sales and support) catch up to them in features. We need competition in this field so that a handful of behemoth companies don't control 100% of the 3D modeling market.
Back in 2011, ALOT of people on polycount supported my $10 modeler on iOS which had a fraction of the features I do now, and I greatly appreciated it. I'm trying to do the same thing again in VR and I hope some of you will give it a shot
I certainly appreciate and commend what you're doing but remember, beta testing is something that people put their valuable time into to help you. So charging them on top of time spent is discouraging. Perhaps you should float this on kickstarter.
Thanks for responding. Let me clarify. This is NOT a beta test, I never self-assigned that label to the software. Early Access is different from beta testing. I understand that the label discourages you guys and maybe I should wait to post here until I transition out. All early access really means is that the DESKTOP EDITOR is not where I want it to be yet. the VR EDITOR is feature complete and tested. It is more stable IMO than most 3D modeilng apps that are in production. As for any bugs, if they are found, I generally fix them and submit a patch within 24 hours. You couldn't expect that kind of turnaround time from autodesk.
Edit: either way, I'll hold off on posting here until I transition out of Early Access since that seems like the right move at this point regardless of the application state.
Why is this a game changer? It looks much much much slower than traditional modelling.
I believe for a VR modelling app to take off it needs to be just about as quick as a traditional modelling package with all of the features a traditional package offers.
Pulling verts and faces isn't going to sell anyone on a product.
Also, something important for a VR modeling tool to get traction is the ability to use it seated. Tiltbrush does this quite well thanks to its clever scene scaling/navigation paradigm.
Why is this a game changer? It looks much much much slower than traditional modelling.
How about you give it a try see for yourself. I understand the criticisms here but everyone who has used has praised it for being miles ahead of other VR modeling programs. You can select more than just single faces. The polygon reduction algorithm WITHIN VR alone makes it worth the $20 price tag IMO. Being able to have a client in VR as you make changes right in front of them from desktop mode IS a game changer. I understand how difficult your profession is and try to understand I'm not here to sell you guys on something that I don't believe in and wouldn't use myself. I wrote this thing because I PERSONALLY can't stand maya and other tools that are too over complicated. I'm here to show you a potential different way to get work done or see your work in a new light. I honestly don't know what else I can say besides, just give it a try and see how it can help your workflows.
It probably seems like we're being harsh but people like us who model every day and have custom hotkeys/scripts/UIs set up to enable very fast modeling workflows are going to be hard pressed to be Impressed.
You hail Verto as a 3d modeling game-changer but in your last post, impressing a client with simple real-time changes seems to be your focus. In the video there is no modeling shown at all. If moving things around/scene layout in VR is the main feature then UE4 already does this quite nicely.
The popup menu system is clunky and looks like it would be a very slow way of modeling. The only way I could see a non hotkey modeling program being fast is with voice recognition.
Having said that, I won't be back on the Vive for a few months but once I am I'll try it out just to support your efforts. $20 is a good investment, in my eyes, to support lone devs like yourself. I often buy small plugins I don't need just because I can appreciate the work being done.
I appreciate the feedback. I think what I am too dense to realize is that I'm trying to go after 2 different markets here. I'm not a good modeler myself (I'm definitely nowhere even close to the level of you guys). I created this tool for people trying to start out in the field, for those who have barely ever used a tool like blender or maya, and for that reason I likely over-estimate the "pro" level of some of my features since I tend to cater towards the more simpler ground-level features right now. Some day I'd like to add some of the killer features so I can attract a more grown-up user base but for now I'll probably have to focus on the basics for a bit longer before I can. My goal (which I just reached) was to have the same modeling program for iOS, Desktop, HoloLens, and now VR and now that I'm there, I can catch my breath and slowly add features to all of those in parallel.
I'd say at this point, for the kind of high-poly 3D editing you guys do on the regular, this tool would benefit a quick import, check, tweak, and export kind of workflow that you can use to transcend tablet, desktop, vr and when its more popular, holographic.
Ah, well that's a very different matter from the '3d modeling game changer' sensationalism advertised above. Perhaps you'd be better off advertising it as an entry level 'Interactive VR environment with 3d modeling capabilities'. That way you won't upset us modeling nerds.
I alost don't understand the "$20 is too much mentality". I'm not trying to be combative, its just that for the features I provide, and for how much you guys pay per month for programs like maya, it'd make sense to support someone who is trying to provide alternatives for MUCH cheaper that will (with sales and support) catch up to them in features. We need competition in this field so that a handful of behemoth companies don't control 100% of the 3D modeling market.
Back in 2011, ALOT of people on polycount supported my $10 modeler on iOS which had a fraction of the features I do now, and I greatly appreciated it. I'm trying to do the same thing again in VR and I hope some of you will give it a shot
Edit: either way, I'll hold off on posting here until I transition out of Early Access since that seems like the right move at this point regardless of the application state.
I believe for a VR modelling app to take off it needs to be just about as quick as a traditional modelling package with all of the features a traditional package offers.
Pulling verts and faces isn't going to sell anyone on a product.
You hail Verto as a 3d modeling game-changer but in your last post, impressing a client with simple real-time changes seems to be your focus. In the video there is no modeling shown at all. If moving things around/scene layout in VR is the main feature then UE4 already does this quite nicely.
The popup menu system is clunky and looks like it would be a very slow way of modeling. The only way I could see a non hotkey modeling program being fast is with voice recognition.
Having said that, I won't be back on the Vive for a few months but once I am I'll try it out just to support your efforts. $20 is a good investment, in my eyes, to support lone devs like yourself. I often buy small plugins I don't need just because I can appreciate the work being done.
Best of luck with it.
I'd say at this point, for the kind of high-poly 3D editing you guys do on the regular, this tool would benefit a quick import, check, tweak, and export kind of workflow that you can use to transcend tablet, desktop, vr and when its more popular, holographic.
Thanks for the comments everyone.