I recently spent some time breaking down our entire process for the development of Mission:ISS, specifically the exterior of the space station. This is my first time going this in-depth on a topic so I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts! You can view it on the our webpage or download the PDF version that is attached. It includes the entire process from start to finish. Modeling, UV'ing, Texturing, Unity, and final look development.
http://missioniss.magnopus.com/iss-breakdown.html-Luke Schloemer
3D Artist @ MAGNOPUS
Albedo = RGB Albedo Color, A Alpha (optional)
Metallic = R Metalness, A Smoothness
Normal = RGB Normals
Height = G Height
Occlusion = G Occlusion
so, that's work in Standard Shader:
4k Base Color - RGB - 10.7MB
4k Metallic/Smoothness/Occlusion RGBA - 21.3MB
4k Normal Map - RGBnm - 21.3MB