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Prophet- Real time Character

polycounter lvl 3
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JLeeD polycounter lvl 3
Hey Guys!

So I'm continuing on with the character I started for the Artstation challenge but never finished so I thought that I would post up my progress here! The concept I chose was by Florian Coudray  and this is how far I am with it.
Original Concept,

Any feedback to push this thing further would be amazing. I edited the design of the legs a little bit from feedback I got on the challenge thread, which was that the brief was for an ancient civilisation so they wanted to avoid sci-fi, and any mechanical components would help solidify the theme. 
So far I'm pretty happy with it. Cloth and hard surface are things I hate sculpting and have always avoided, so this has been super challenging for me. I would like to give the cloth a good bit more tender loving care, aswell as the arms and backpack. 
Any c&c welcome! Thanks!


  • JLeeD
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    JLeeD polycounter lvl 3
    Update, I wasn't happy with a couple of things, mainly the arms, so I worked on them quite a bit and made them more tubular, closer to the concept. I also fiddled with the scarves and poured a lot of time into cleaning up the shirt, trying to get the lumps out. Still needs a bit of attention near the arm pits ect from where I scaled the mesh in, but the change didnt mess up my sculpt as much as I was expecting! 

    Going to be moving onto retopology soon I think once I've tied up a few extra things. Any C&C welcome!
  • dpadam450
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    dpadam450 polycounter lvl 12
    Looks cool. What was the Artstation challenge, this character or any character? Haven't seen this concept before.

    I feel like the legs still need work on the shin-pad piece(s). They look like they come off the bone further. Also your very bottom shin piece looks really smooth with the curve, where as the concept it looks almost like a 90 degree bend. The smoothness makes it look a little too un-robotic to me.
  • JLeeD
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    JLeeD polycounter lvl 3
    Hey @dpadam450, the art station challenge was the ancient civilisations lost and found challenge, they had two parts a preproduction part and a production part, you could enter both if you wanted. They encouraged the production entries to go through the preproduction entries, which finished at the start of the production stage, and choose a concept from there. It was a really cool system as it allowed the production artists to see the development and thought processes behind the concepts :) And thank you for the feedback!

    I have been just polishing everything off and trying to get feedback from people before I move on. This is where I'm at, 

    Any C&C Welcome!
  • JLeeD
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    JLeeD polycounter lvl 3
    So, few months of not getting stuff done laaaattteeeerrr :smiley:
    I got some feedback that ripped this to shreds, so been redoing a lot of stuff. Been struggling a lot with the cloth, but hopefully it looks better!

    There still quite a bit to improve, but I think I'm getting into a better direction! The cloth is still looking a bit splodgy, I really need to practice it more. I knew that it was going to be one of the tough things that I face with this char, but that scarf is just unbelievably tough.
    But I am getting there! A few more things to work on from my feedback, largely add more detail.
    Any crit would be super helpful and amazing! Thanks!
  • JLeeD
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    JLeeD polycounter lvl 3

    Got more feedback and guidance on the cloth on the arms and I think it looks much better. It breaks away from the concept again but overall I think its an improvement. I've also tried to indicate forms underneath the cloth which just grounds it a lot more. 
    Got a few more things to work on, mainly the backpack after a bit more cloth clean up. 
    Any feedback, crits and comments are appreciated and help a lot! :3 
  • JLeeD
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    JLeeD polycounter lvl 3
    Now the summer is over I'm finally getting to work on this guy again! Been polishing, think the rest of the detail I'm going to put into texturing! 
    Any Crit is much appreciated!

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