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Johnny Depp likeness attempt :)

polycounter lvl 5
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Umesh-Sirohi polycounter lvl 5
Hi guys, 

Can I get some feedback on the progress so far  :#

Thanks in advance

These are some of the main reference images that I am using


  • WSMark
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    WSMark null
    Hi, I leave you some appreciations I see in your model:

    First, the main proportions of the head seems to be right, but the problems comes from another way:

    · Look at the nose, he has the flaps less marked, and a bit more wide.
    · Watch out with Jack Sparrow's make up, it can be a little confusing when you are sculpting the eyes, I think they should be deeper.
    · Check more side-face reference, there's a lot to improve there, the space between the nose and the mouth are a little more short, and the nose makes a different curve.

    All the same, the sculpt looks very well, you have to keep working and try to improve details. Keep posting the progress, good luck!
  • Umesh-Sirohi
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    Umesh-Sirohi polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the feedback. it is helpful.
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