I have a problem when i duplicate a mesh but only in the legacy default viewport.
The mesh duplicated turns light green in subdivision 1 (like the green of a selection).
When i change to viewport 2.0 it looks normal
Anyone knows what's happening? theres a problem with my mesh? its a bug ?
i know i could simply work with the default renderer but i like the legacy because it shows better the shading
I was thinking what you said but reaplied the material and nothing happens.
Also notice the green tone, its not the same green that appears when you dont have a shader in a mesh, its the green of the edges when they are selected.
If you're only using it for the shading, why not use a custom blinn or lambert in VP2.0 with a darker diffuse, or turn off color management and use the default?
Anyways like you said i can use a blinn with a darker diffuse in vp2.0 and its very similar to what i see in legacy.
Thanks for the answers!