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Personal Improvement Thread :)

polycounter lvl 3
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sannahcg polycounter lvl 3
Hi everyone, 
I've just completed my final year of study at the University of Hertfordshire, and this is my final project, Kyrani: 


I'm really proud of it, but there's so much more I want to learn! I spent the first two years of my degree focusing on 3D for film, and only started working in realtime for this final year, so there's a lot of areas in which my knowledge is lacking. This thread is where I'll be posting all my personal projects to come, and hopefully make a lot of improvements (with the help of you guys :)

I'm planning to leave this project alone for now and focus on other things, but I'd still love any feedback or comments you have that I can take forward to improve my future work. Thanks for looking! :) 


  • sannahcg
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    sannahcg polycounter lvl 3
    I've started to put together a new project idea: a small desert island scene (with pirate memorabilia ;) )
    Above is the first moodboard I've put together, just to try and get a feel for the sorts of things I want to build. Here's a little doodle I did which represents (very roughly) the way I think the layout will be: 

    I also started thinking about materials I would need to create, and started working on a wet sand for the outer perimeter of the island in Designer: 

    I'm not 100% happy with it so far.. I think the pebbles need to be lighter in colour and I want more detail with bits of seaweed and shell etc. These top two images are from marmoset, so here is the one from Designers viewport for comparison: 

    And the (rather untidy) node tree: 

    It's been created entirely in Designer so far, aside from the mask for the pebbles, where I used photoshop. I would love any C&C you guys have. All suggestions and advice are more than welcome :) 
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