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Instant Mesh Weird Problem...

polycounter lvl 9
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Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
When i use instant mesh to auto retopologize any mesh (to around lets say 10 000 quad polygons), export it to obj format and try to import it to 3ds max. It doesnt have any smoothing groups (the faces are not smoothed at all). The problem is when i try to add the smoothing under "Polygon: smoothing groups" it doesnt help either... The model looks terrible because of this. I tried reseting xform etc. didnt halp. I tried it in several version of 3ds max (2012,2015,2017 even i think) and all meshes from instant mesh program seem to have this problem. The only 3ds max that works ok (smoothing groups) with meshes exported from instant meshes is 3ds max 2009 which i cannot use periodically...

What it this weird problems?

See picture:

On left is version imported and smoothed in 3ds max (by smoothing i mean only smoothing groups, NO turbsmooth modifier or subdivision in general, just smoothing groups, on right you see version imported to 3ds max 2012 even after smoothing attempt... it doesnt work)


WTF is this... never happened to me before. I noticed it some weeks ago but hoped it will resolve itself somehow... it didnt)... whats the problem?


  • MILA
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    MILA polycounter lvl 8
    I'm pretty sure your face normals or vertex normals are locked. Convert your mesh to an editable poly, then in the modifiers list go to edit normals. Select all the normals (locked ones should be green if I remember correctly) and click Reset.
  • Swordslayer
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    Swordslayer interpolator
    Either import as editable poly (there's a checkbox for that in the obj importer) or add an edit poly modifier (and optionally collapse) - unlike converting to editable poly, the edit poly modifier clears all explicit normals.
  • Jonathan85
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    Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
    MILA said:
    I'm pretty sure your face normals or vertex normals are locked. Convert your mesh to an editable poly, then in the modifiers list go to edit normals. Select all the normals (locked ones should be green if I remember correctly) and click Reset.

    Yep thank you... helped, quick and easy, thanks :-)! Didnt even know that the edit normals modifier existed :-), never used it before.

    This forum and people here again proved usefull, there isnt any other place on internet that i know of that provides so much VALUABLE help to CG artist :-)!
  • tyronemackay
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    tyronemackay polycounter lvl 3
    woot woot thanks 

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