Hi, I'm having an issue with creating custom materials in DDO. I import my albedo and a normal to go with it (a honeycomb pattern for battle-tech type armor lenses), and the material seems to show up fine as I add the two layers in. However, when when I go try to save it with its own file name, it restarts 3DO, and freezes when it tries to make the material sphere icon.
The custom material folder seems to have ALL the proper information except for the icons. The xml files for the materials are there as are the psb files..... there is just no icon. As you can see, it worked once before (but I was playing around and the material was just a camo pattern albedo).
Is there a workaround for this or a suggestion to fix it?

Unfortunately, not without more information. Issues like this are highly dependent upon your computer specifications, PS version, Suite version, etc. Giving us this info will allow us to help.
I should note this does NOT happen during my own smart material generation, only custom materials generation (which leaves me NO way to import my own normal maps into the program for materials).
Does it matter that the albedo is a bmp and the normal is a png?
3DO simple freezes with no way to exit it unless I enter task manager and manually shut both it and photoshop down.
Windows 10
Photoshop CS6
Quixel 2.3
AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz
AMD Radeon RX480 8GB
I'm also trying to make a custom masking pattern material, and while I see folders for Custom masks in the user data directory, I see no way to generate specific custom masks. What am I missing?
Generating custom masks is done via the DynaMask window. Here's a tutorial I wrote that includes creating custom masks.
This second image is the locked up disaster that the Suite becomes when I try to save the material - artifact lines and all.
I have to shut everything down via the task manager to get anything to work.
This results in what you see in the first image way up top - the data, but not the material mesh used as the icon.
As for the custom masks. I meant is there a way I can import a mask and have it show up on the materials list so I don't have to import it each and every single instance I need it during a large project?
Also, I read your tutorial, it was very helpful. When you say 'you must apply paint mask within photoshop' to make it permanent (since unless I didn't read right, I can't actually import it into the mask database), you mean right click on the layer and 'apply layer mask' to the solid color? Please clarify.
Thank you for your excellent responses so far.
Regarding masking, you'll want to create a Smart Material with your desired masking properties - this video tutorial should help. A Smart Material carries over the XML-based mask edits you've made using DynaMask allowing you to use the same type of mask across different projects.
What I meant by the DynaMask editing in PS is hitting the Accept Mask button after you've painted a custom mask using DynaMask. If you edit the mask in PS only and then open DynaMask afterward, the saved XML data will overwrite the mask edits you made. They must be made from the DynaMask interface.
This is a major feature that remains unavailable and is more or less absolutely required moving forward, particularly when I have piles and piles of texture sets I want to import. There is absolutely nothing I can do as a work-around?
I'd even be happy manually putting in the 2D albedo swatches in place of the sphere to give them a place holder in the material browser if that's what it takes. I've got no other way to import these materials short of asking a kind heartd Quixel user to do it for me and send me the generated files.
BTW, you have been AMAZING with the response time. We get this figured out and I'm buying a megascan pack as a thank you.
Have you been able to use 2015 or 2017? If nothing else I want to see if this issue persists in those versions. I am starting to lean toward the ATI card being the problem here, however, since I know ATI cards have had problems in the past with 3DO to varying degrees - most notably while baking textures.
I'm using CC 2017, suite 2.3.1, and the above computer specs.
What is frustrating is that it absolutely worked 100% once. But just once. As you can see by this shot. The FSD PA Camo is the working one. The files without the corresponding icon (DCG PA Camo) are the ones that were created by the above attempt:
Is there something else that a broken attempt could have affected and then broken permanently? Like a database registry of materials or something? (I really don't know what I'm talking about here.)
OK, so I tried something. I copied and renamed the FSD PA Camo icons and put them in as stand-ins for the DCG PA Camo and it showed up in the material browser (with the FSD icons of course).
BUT, when I put it into a project, it comes out just fine and as intended.
So what we've got here is that Quixel (for materials that only have albedo at least) is properly constructing the custom material, and even the psb files, but the icon generation is stalling out somewhere.
Beyond this, could I see a video of this happening?
Update: Cleaned it out, still happened. No idea why or how it worked once and then never again. This is getting discouraging.
Will work on getting a video.
I didn't record sound, but suffice to say, at the end of the video when I hover over the close icons for the suite, they don't respond and I must close it with task manager. The video shows pretty much everything. I even put in a shot of the video card hardware and drivers.
Please let me know if you need ANY more info at all.
This has been present for more than one driver set, and as I said before, worked just fine once.
I have a procedural question about importing. I have a bajillion matched sets of seamless texture maps that I want to import now that I have the workaround figured out. Many of them have VERY strong normal and height maps. (See below for an example). If all the maps are at their full as-imported strength, it actually looks kind of ridiculous. I must turn the height map down to .02 in the imported maps window to get it to look nice.
My question is this: Does decreasing the signal in the imported maps window result in a decreased signal for the final custom imported material or do I need to "turn down" these maps prior to import? If I need to decrease the signal, I'd be using photoshop batch, what is the proper way to do it? Based on opacity of the layer over neutral gray, a decrease in the exposure, or simply turn down the brightness?
Big height map, specular, and normal signals, looking the way it is as-imported:
This is how I like it, notice signals are decreased:
Adjusting sliders in 3DO doesn't affect the generated material - they're built from input textures, not the preview window. If you want to adjust the strength or colors of your imported textures in the material import window, you can click on the box next to each input and adjust it using that method.
Regarding the ATI card issue, could I get you to send your original post with what we've discussed here to support@quixel.se? That way we can get a ticket put in and hopefully knock this one out ASAP.
One last question about importing. There aren't any controls for normal and AO (to turn down the signal). If I find that once again the signal for the normal or AO is way off center versus what Quixel was expecting, can I edit the image layer directly in photoshop manually? In the below case, I would put a neutral flat normal behind this image, change the original to overlay, and play with the opacity to turn down the signal.
Would this change be reflected in the final imported material?
EDIT/UPDATE: In an effort to answer my own question, I made a custom material and figured I'd examine it after it froze and I shut it down.
This time it made the icons.... I'm so confused....
Then I tried again, with the exact same files, and it froze.
I'm going to have to open that ticket.
Windows 10 pro
Photoshop CS5
Quixel 2.3 also tried 2.3.1
AMD Ryzen 5 1600X 3.6GHz
Radeon RX580
Workaround: Copy icons from a working material, paste and rename to material name the .xml and photoshop files are (after Quixel freezes) Could modify images, but not necessary. If you do not have a material to copy from I suppose you could create icon images with the specs needed. Material works but preview is wrong.
Bothersome, look forward to possible fixes in future updates. Seems like a compatibility issue with the new card I got though.