An idea of animated series aiming at the center of the world. It is an animated film series in the Inner World, aimed at showing cliffs, waterfalls, canyon systems, underground mines, lava systems and structures that no one can even imagine in the context of fantastic images.
Respectively; The camera will animate the center of the Earth in five main stages in the form of the earth's crust, the outer mantle, the inner mantle, the outer core and the inner core. Each phase will have its own distinctive stages.
Objective: To contribute to world peace by drawing attention to the harmony and enormity of the Inner World.
You're aware this is not Dragons Den?
I think it's will take very long time and the return will be high.
Two alternative for going to descent:
1-Camera animation
2-Imaging probe
I think first option is more appropriate. Thanks.
PS: jokes aside, @vril1 are you messing with us or you just have no idea what you are doing? How did you end up posting here, and have you even read the subforum name?
I think you don't understand what i mean.
Character animations have become commonplace!
This is the inner earth. You are here alone.
I think you should just let go of this idea and just write a stream-of-consciousness blog, that's entertainment the people want.
Our very own @sacboi was on board!
Sounds like you've found someone to work on this with you...
I will share my sketches as soon as possible.
It is hard for us to judge how we would be able to help you with such a prestigious project without your sketches to guide us. I hope that you will be able to rectify this as soon as possible so that the fanbase following you have gathered here can start putting things together.
This is a great thread. Well done!
I mean this in 3d cgi: but not only cave...
My best guess is he wants a team of 3D artists to bring his idea to life.
But for sure, think I too is this finny.
The french woman and the bodies of the other persons beside her still could not be reached. But the voices continue to turn
I seem to have found the starting point.