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Triangulate Artefact in Normal Map

polycounter lvl 4
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PetSto polycounter lvl 4
Hi, I am trying bake normal map in Marmoset Toolbag 3.02, where whole LP is one smoothing group. Object is simple cube which I triangulate before baking and exported meshes has only smoothing group data, no more options as are etc. tangent and binormals. Problem isn't classic gradient, where is a large difference in the angle between the surfaces, but as you can see on image below, is gradient where it goes through triangulate line. Problem appear only when is selected mikk/tspace. If I select Marmoset or Maya tangent space in settings, everything looks good. I tried these meshes bake in xNormal and there isn't problem. What I am doing wrong or don't understand tangent space option in toolbag ? I mean, when i want do test bake and setup (offset, skew) normal map, then first I use marmoset tangent space, and if everything is setup and correct, change to mikk/tspace becouse it is for UE4 and bake final normal map.

Thank you.


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