hey guys,
been using zbrush for a few years now, but never really got into rendering. wanted to change that with this character, but as you can see bellow,
The result isen't that good

was hoping some people could aid me on getting the skin and cloth ( mainly those) a tad more realistic with some advice.
thanks alot

Also, for a portrait render you want to set up interesting lighting. I usually use a high contrast hdr with desaturated or little colour, a low intensity and a 2 to 4 point lighting setup.
And the eyes are probably the most important aspect of a portrait. They often make or break the interest of the image.
any advice on how to make it beter or what to focus on on next project? thanks alot
In other words there really is nothing technical left to learn here. That's a good thing ! The sky is the limit.
After that, post work in PS can really push the image further.
thanks for your input again aswell mate, gonna try to make some eyes and get a bit more in lighting