I have a dense point cloud in agisoft photoscan. It has got around 150 mil points. I have only 16 GB ram and its not enough to create a mesh from it. (I would be ok even with 1 milion poly mesh, but agisoft AFAIK creates always the MOST polygons it can get out of the mesh and ONLY then decimates it. And with 150 mil dense point cloud i get a fuc*ing LOT of polys..., there also isnt a way to reduce the ammount of points in the dense point cloud... only chance it to recalculate the dense point cloud on lower settings (thus getting lower point cloud) but i dont want that because of quality and because i have the dense point cloud already cleaned). I just need to generate the mesh. I do not understand why the soft doesnt have some inteligent reduction of dense point cloud feature already built in...
The only chance i have movign forward i afaik to export the 150 mil. points out (which will be "fast" and file size "light" itself... :-/ ) and import it to another program where i HOPE i can reduce the point cloud to lets say 10 mil points and generate the mesh in this software. Then i can import the mesh back to agisoft for texture generation...
My question is -which software to use to generate the mesh (and ideally before mesh generation auto-reduce the number of points from which the mesh will be generated from 150+mil to 10 mil).
What software to use for this specific purpose that would run on my machine?
Thank you
My PC is Ryzen 1700, GTX 1070 8 GB and 16 GB Ram (+512 SSD disk and some HDDs).
Thank you will look into them, have recap already so will try ti first.