Hey guys,
I am currently working on an environment scene for a first person game for my Game Art School. This particular scene is supposed to be fairly dark because the player has to turn on the power supply to bring the lights back on. Usually I concentrate on props, and this is my first bigger environment scene. This is why I am pretty inexpirienced in terms of lighting.
I would appreciate constructive criticism and feedback. Thanks !
right now, I think this scene has the common problem of not using reference and just building things how you think a scifi enviro should look. Some of the best scifi work is heavily influenced by industrial reference or some other type of real world reference material that is integrated into the overall design. Gather a ton of reference and constantly go back to it. creating from the mind usually ends up with mixed results.
I would also increase the ambient light slightly, pure black shadows are not usually a good thing for game environments. Hope this helps there is some promise here for sure, just needs some polish for the gold to shine.
Good Thinking with the hazard stripes. I took these straight from our concept artists designs and didnt think about it, but they sure dont make a lot of sense
I will also rework the lighting, like I said i dont have a lot of experience regarding that.