How can I set up a substance in Designer for Painter, so that custom inputs can drive attributes? In my simple test, I'm creating bricks, warping, then blurring. I want to have "painterly" control in Painter over the warp intensity and blur amount. The best I can do in Painter is apply a bitmap or generator, and those work as expected. I was hoping to create additional paint layers inside the substances fill layer and assign those for control, but I can't find a way to do this. Is this possible?
I realize that in this case I would run these effects as separate layers in Painter, so pretend there's some stuff happening down the chain that make painting here important.
Also, what's up with that ghost box around "blur amount"? I get this on nodes now and again and can't figure out what it means.

We will soon introduce layer linking too and that should make you life much easier for that kind of filters since you will be able to link that input to any element of your layer stack.
The ghost box just mean that the node is currently selected
The setup in Painter:
Fill Layer with my test material assigned.
Paint Layer inside that, where I'm brushing black and white with only user0 checked on my brush.
Here's my .sbsar file in case I goofed somewhere, if you don't mind checking?
And with that ghost box, that never goes away if another node is selected or is actively displaying in the 2d view. Note that it's bigger than the selected type, where the black border turns white.
edit: I wish I could find an example of this being done, it seems like a common thing but I can't find mentions of this anywhere. I'm also wondering if I've set this up in Designer incorrectly; I now have a secondary output "user0" that I can map to the User0 channel in Painter instead of basecolor. But again, no results.
You should add a "user0" usage to your input (you can type it in the dropdown).
Also, to be able to paint on an input, you need to import it as an effect, not as a material, which do not support inputs.
Is there any technical reason why we can't use paint as an input but can slot a generator? Or will this functionality come with the layer linking you mentioned?