I'm creating a series of tutorials about the creation of game effects in Unity. I hope it may help someone around here, and feel free to ask questions.
Just watched one out of interest, very good presentation and style. If i was into particle effects i would give these a serious watch. Thanks for posting
Just watched one out of interest, very good presentation and style. If i was into particle effects i would give these a serious watch. Thanks for posting
Thank you man. Watched your work on artstation, great hard surface modelling, fantastic texturing.
@Gazu A lot of the terminology is the same in unreal as it is in unity for particles. Otherwise just google the phrase and add "in ue4" or something of that nature and I'm sure you'll find something
@Gabz These are really well done and the pace is easy enough to work along with. Great work, would love to see more involving any shader shenanigans you may know.
@Gannon Thank you glad you enjoyed. Yes eventually some shader shenanigans will come. A lot of work doesn't help to keep a schedule on YouTube, but yeah, it will come.
@zachagreg Thanks, appreciate the feedback man. Yep VFX most of the times require at least an Image Editing software like Photoshop or Gimp and a 3D software as well. It's a big plus. After Effects also helps a lot.
Contains 20 Stylized Projectiles that includes Spells, Bullets, Fireballs, Dark Magic and much more. They are fantastic for PC and Mobile, and for a variety of genres and art styles.
Enjoy and have fun!
Keep it up!
Ground Explosion
A pity its for Unity and not for UE4.
Get access in my Patreon
Download in Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/game-effects-ice-13836839
Support: https://www.patreon.com/posts/game-effects-ice-13836839
Download in Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14328992
Download & Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/game-effects-fx-15519067
Download & Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/environment-vfx-15783730
Watched your work on artstation, great hard surface modelling, fantastic texturing.
A lot of the terminology is the same in unreal as it is in unity for particles. Otherwise just google the phrase and add "in ue4" or something of that nature and I'm sure you'll find something
These are really well done and the pace is easy enough to work along with. Great work, would love to see more involving any shader shenanigans you may know.
Edit: Also after watching a couple of these a lot of the work for the actual particles or cards are done in programs outside of engine.
@zachagreg Thanks, appreciate the feedback man. Yep VFX most of the times require at least an Image Editing software like Photoshop or Gimp and a 3D software as well. It's a big plus. After Effects also helps a lot.
Support & Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lightning-vfx-1-16389892
Thank you all & enjoy!
as well as ImbueFX on Youtube
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/realistic-vol-1-17317834
Asset Store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/98839?aid=1100l3Jhu
Enjoy & Have Fun!
Game Effects - Unique Lasers Vol.1
Game VFX - Laser Beams Tutorial
Really enjoyed working on this VFX hope you like as well.
Contains 20 Stylized Projectiles that includes Spells, Bullets, Fireballs, Dark Magic and much more. They are fantastic for PC and Mobile, and for a variety of genres and art styles.
Unity Projectile Tutorial
Here's how you can create your own projectiles!
Asset Store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/124214?aid=1100l3Jhu
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/unique-volume-1-20461484
Enjoy & Thank you!
Create awesome trail effects for swords, characters, vehicles and more!