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I ported UDK Engine for PS3 and Xbox360

polycounter lvl 3
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udkultimate polycounter lvl 3
Hello guys, 

I just would like to invite you to know my modified version of UDK (Unreal Development Kit) Engine. I was able, with the help of other folks (programmers and game developers) to add support for consoles, PS3 and Xbox360. So now ANYONE can create homebrew games for free (not commercially) and play it on any PS3 with Custom Firmware and on any hacked Xbox360 (RGH or JTAG).

This is a project I am working from 2 years, and now it`s "officialy released". I also added some enhancements on the engine, some small improvements over original UDK Engine. 

Here is the engine`s website where you can download for free:
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Here is the Release Trailer and Youtube Channel:
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  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    On the website you suggest that no company will do anything about this until in begins to damage them - well currently you've got Epic branding all over it, gears of war artwork all over it, published game assets inside it and generally a thousand things that are going to piss Epic off. It's damaging in a whole number of ways. Whatsmore you've posted it basically on their doorstep, this forum is frequented by Epic staff.

    If you stripped all the content, promotional artwork, and didnt have a video that made it look like your own technology, then you might get left alone but as it stands, you're literally using their trademarks and intellectual property AND distributing with a complete, purposeful disregard for their rights - specifically torrenting it so that there's nothing they can do to take it down. Classy dude.

    There's revitalising a dead product and making it usable again, and then there's shitting on epic's doorstep. It's not homebrew either - that excuse don't fly; it's so far as i can see just UDK with hacks to work without a dev kit, and bundling a load of art stuff that people here made. The majority of what constitutes the package you're offering is not your work. It's just UDK and gears of war assets, which are owned by epic and not yours to redistribute. I really suggest rethinking how you present it, and try not to abuse other people's IP in the process.

    Not mentioned the 'Many Unreal Tournament 3 Models, Animations and Effects Pack' included but it would suffice to say that you've made available assets that aren't yours, with a clear intent to avoid them being taken down (where you mention the reason for the torrent).

    Strip out the assets leaving just the editor, don't make the promotional stuff look like something Epic endorse, make it clear and very visible that the purpose is to allow private educational / recreational development on hardware that is no longer supported, and for christs sake, put epic first in your special thanks section, they aren't even mentioned currently.

    Something like this can go two ways:
    1. Epic turn a blind eye because you're not presenting a threat.
    2. Epic tear you a new one because they actually are obligated to protect their assets otherwise it's open season. And because you've done it so obnoxiously.

    I've no problem with fixing stuff to work the way you need when there's no support available, and even sharing it privately with friends. I've no problem with ripping game assets for educational purposes, but I've a problem with redistribution, especially when the author makes it look like a slick product that could be confused for the real thing, and especially when the author obnoxiously removes the potential for the author to remove it.

    You could have just released the fix to make it compile for consoles on it's own for people to integrate themselves, or at worst the editor alone. but instead you went above and beyond to make it look like the real unreal development kit, add in tonnes of content you don't own and make it as hard as possible for epic to deal with, and for that epic are fully entitled to fuck your shit up. I would.
  • Kosai106
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    Kosai106 polycounter lvl 13
    Why not just use UE4? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    Yeah I thought similarly, considering it was started after the release of UE4 but i'm not here to tread on his project, just his disregard for being respectful with the attached properties.
  • udkultimate
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    udkultimate polycounter lvl 3
    Hello bro, look, I am not here to begin a flame wars, ok!

    If you read the credits section of my website, I have yes credited EPIC on the copyrights section:

    "Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Unreal, Unreal Engine, Unreal Development Kit, UDK, Unreal Tournament, and the Unreal Tournament 3 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere"

    "Unreal Tournament 3 and Gears of War Assets by EPIC Games"

    I did put EPIC logo on the promo art, and so on.


    And what is the problem about including Unreal Tournament 3 Assets which i ported to UDK? Didn`t EPIC released some years ago the Unreal Tournament 3 Editor and allowed anyone to created and distribute mods?

    Didn`t you read I DID NOT RIP GEARS OF WAR ASSETS, I USED a Comunity MOD for Unreal Tournament 3, some modders ripped Gears of War Characters and Imported them to Unreal Tournament 3. It`s was freely avaiable for PC and PS3, it was released as a Modification. So it`s very similar. Someone ported Gears of War Characters and converted them to Unreal Tournament 3 Mod, and distributed these assets freely on the web. So I ported this Unreal Tournament 3 Mod to UDK and distributed these assets.

    I clearly stated that this is not intended for comercial projects, and this will never be used.

    Do you think someone will create a game using gears of war assets and sell it over the internet? Do you think Steam will allow this? And how can someone sell a PS3 game made in UDK Ultimate? If PS3 is dead, Sony does not license it, Epic does not license Unreal Engine 3, so how can someone sell a game created in UDK Ultimate? Who will purchase such game, because it does not run on normal consoles, only Custom Firmware Consoles. 

    So it`s logically that the only Intention behind UDK Ultimate Engine is just a engine for developing HOMEBREW GAMES, HOMEBREW DEVELOPMENT.

    And haven`t you seen HOW MANY HOMEBREW GAMES RELEASED ON INTERNET, which uses other companies assets?

    How many Super Mario games created in UDK were released for free? How many Sonic 3D games created in other engines were released.

    Anyway, I DON`T WANT TO BEGIN A FLAME WARS HERE, and if my project feels like an offense for members of this site, you can delete my thread (ask a mod).

  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    There's no flames, if you look you'll find that I advised you on how to do this properly without pissing off Epic. The homebrew excuse does not cut it though, homebrew does not mean ripped assets, it just means creating software for a platform that you do not have the tools to work with.

    There's a very big difference between Epic distributing their own assets from their own website with their own control and licensing, and you releasing them on a torrent.
  • udkultimate
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    udkultimate polycounter lvl 3
    [ content removed by the moderators ]

    UDK ULTIMATE PS3 UPDATE V2 - Create, Play and Share on ANY PS3!

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  • udkultimate
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    udkultimate polycounter lvl 3
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  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
  • udkultimate
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    udkultimate polycounter lvl 3
    Obscura said:
    Just stop...
    Why? Will I be banned?
  • udkultimate
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    udkultimate polycounter lvl 3
    [ content removed by the moderators ]
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Because 1, noone on earth is interested in udk in 2019, and 2, more importantly. you are doing an illegal thing, ignore the warnings, and advertise it here.
  • Eric Chadwick
    We're getting complaints from members about this.

    However I don't see anything commercial here. This is a modding setup. Who hasn't modded here?

    If a representative from Epic, Sony, or Microsoft  wishes us to remove this, we can and will.

    Otherwise, where's the actual harm? 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Looking at your site a bit more, this is not something we can condone here.

    Closing this thread, and removing the links to your content.

    Our site rules specifically prohibit promotion of pirated works.

    Your site tells people they must acquire PS3 SDK, which has never been provided publicly. Plus you redistribute UDK and Epic games assets yourself, which is against their EULA. 

    If you would like to debate this decision, please contact us at helpdesk@polycount.com. 
This discussion has been closed.