Okey so Im a little stuck. I want to export my Zbrush mesh as an OBJ and of course I dont want it to say "ZbrushPolyMesh3D" in the end because of a later bake (please exclude that I dont want it for FBX right now). I have followed allegorithmics tip on how you can uncheck the group option on the export section but this does not work. Is there any other way or am I missing something ?
This is a problem because I need to bake the low polly with a highpolly and use Substances mesh by name feature. But if the highpolly changes name then it wont work. Im currently testing on my lowpolly model in MAYA
A quick search netted this post, would this help? There's a special note about unchecking group for each object.
Failing that, you can edit the obj in np++ or something after export to change the name.