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2016/17 Game animation Reel

polycounter lvl 9
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Rmunday polycounter lvl 9
It is with a pride and a lot of nerves I finally release my 2016/17 demo reel. It has been a long time in the making. With lots of cutting and "Ooo this piece will work well, let me put the reel on hold!" but it is finally released. 

Looking back I could change some pieces to really make them pop, every bit helping me improve. 

As always I am looking for Constructive criticism, I have already began work on both my own stuff as well as project work to begin my full 2017/2018 reel so will not be going back to any of these pieces. However will welcome any and all feedback be that positive or negative to begin incorporating it into my current and future work so I can improve my chances of landing a role in industry. Nothing is too harsh but some positive sprinkled in would be good!

Thank you for taking the time to check it out!


I am not sure if also linking my older reel to show improvement is a standard practice but for those who are interested my old reel can be found at this link. 



  • AGoodFella
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    AGoodFella polycounter lvl 5
    Cool stuff.

    The walk still needs some work, particularly from the waist up. The shot at 43 secs has some sliding in the feet. Get rid of the last shot, I have no idea what's going on here. If you're trying to show different facial expressions, go for a clearer face, like a human.

    The pistol reload feels weird. He's reloading the weapon with only this thumb. Like his thumb is a magnet and is attracting the bullets.

    It's an improve from your last reel, keep going. Improve more. A general not is to really focus on your poses and timing. I think you can push these a lot more.

  • Rmunday
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    Rmunday polycounter lvl 9
    @AGoodFella, Thank you for the feedback, the last shot is indeed to show facial expressions, since it is in engine I thought it would be good to show I am capable of getting morphs and so on into an engine. 

    The reload I did have to speed up for gameplay reasons, it is already a super slow reload since the game is closer to realism than arcade. I found finding a middle ground pretty difficult to find on that one. The idea was to kind of roll of the bullet from the hand using the thumb, the speed does make this hard to read though so thank you for pointing that out!

    The last part regarding the sliding I just could not seem to plant them inside unity, I used IK in engine for the feet and yet they float around. 

    I will ensure to keep an eye out on these things for any future work though. Once again thank you for taking the time to feedback!
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