Hello Polycount!
I'm currently studying Game Art at Staffordshire University and have just finished my first year, I have a lot of free time this summer and am really looking to up my game at creating environment art and pushing myself to be the best that I can be however, I have no Idea where to start or what Kind of projects I should be doing whether I should work on single props or full environments.
I was just wondering if anyone had any advice whether I should be looking into: interior or exterior environments, whether I should be focusing on a style or theme, and generally the kind of things I should be looking into to up my game and try to become the best I can at what I love, and support and help / feedback would be amazing!
thanks guys!
And yeah, if you can get together with some classmates to do some projects go for it!
Eg. Should one be asking for available teams in online threads? Or maybe emailing other game teams?
Polycount also has a few "work opportunity" boards at the bottom of the forum page. Unpaid Work for example
Personally, I advocate focusing on your own growth and polishing a portfolio over getting involved with an indie team, who's game may never see the light of day and may limit the presentation of your work. To expand on what RustySpannerz said, find an artist, or better yet a studio that inspires you or is making the type of game you want to make and emulate that. Check out employees (especially in junior positions) of those game companies and see if you can find and study their portfolios.
I think when starting out, keeping things small and simple is the best thing you can do. Without seeing your work and judging by the fact that you're finishing your first year, I'd probably suggest doing stand-along assets so you can really focus on nailing the pipeline, proportion, texturing, etc. As for style, if make the art you want to make and you'll be more likely to end up at a studio suited to your aesthetic tastes. And, always post your work here for feedback
I was art director for The Maestros and we were one of the best in our year. They're still slated to release soon, and have been Steam Greenlit.
Not all volunteer/lightly paid opportunities are great. I would recommend treating them as a real job and hold them up to that expectation.