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Help me to get over the dilemma of my life

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vgreksa polycounter lvl 2
Hey guys,

I need your experience and insight to help me with my big dilemma. I don't want to bore you with all the details but let me give you some info about me to see the whole picture before presenting my question.

I am 37 years old, never had any formal art education, I have been studying and practicing 3D on my own for several hours almost every day in the last 5 years. I have participated in a few modding projects and still contributing to a few, released two games on Android with a friend (no success there!) and worked on my first paid freelance job for a few months last year.

You can check out some of my work here if you are interested:

And finally my dilemma: should I pursue a career in the game industry at my age with my current skill level or should stop daydreaming and deluding myself? If you think its still feasible for me to fight on, what do you think should be my next step? Keep trying as a freelance artist? Would any studio take me on?

Many thanks in advance for your time and answers!


  • Marshkin
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    Marshkin polycounter lvl 9
    What do you want to do? Is it character art? Is it environment art? Prop? Right now your portfolio is all over the place. Also, some of the pieces there are not your strongest work. Pull them. Focus your portfolio on the area you want to work in. Pick one, excel at it. 

    Should you keep trying?
    Do you want to keep trying? If the answer to that is yes, then go for it. 
    Age doesn't matter as much, what does it being realistic about your expectations. Switching careers often results in a hit to your wage as starting wages for most jobs are, let's be honest, bare bones. I do not know what your financial obligations are, but it is worth considering.

    The biggest piece of feedback I have is look at your presentation. A majority of your work is screenshots from inside your modeling tool. Take the time to render these out properly. You need to make your work shine.

    Good luck, whatever you choose to do. 
  • aryarie
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    aryarie triangle
    I don't really have any advice as to what your next step should be as you're much further ahead than I am; I'm only a few months into learning 3D. :) I just wanted to offer a few words of encouragement as a fellow self-taught artist with no formal education (I studied programming... and found out that I don't like it and prefer art lol)

    Either way if it's what you really want to do and you have the means to support yourself whilst you pursue that dream then go for it. :) I am 28 and I also get that feeling of doubt as to whether it's too late or not but you just have to ignore that and keep making stuff. No one will care what your age is if you are a good artist. :)
  • vgreksa
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    vgreksa polycounter lvl 2
    Hi Marshkin,

    Thanks for your honest reply - this is exactly what I had hoped for!

    My biggest concern was age really above anything else - especially when I take into account that I still have a lot of practicing to do.

    Yes, my portfolio is bit of a mess really, I need to start cleaning it up. Can you recommend any learning resources which help me to get better with presenting stuff?
    Do you think its realistic for someone to start freelancing without getting studio experience first?

    Again, thanks for your reply!
  • vgreksa
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    vgreksa polycounter lvl 2
    Hi aryarie,

    Thanks for your reply! I totally feel you! :-)

    All I can tell you is that when you reach 38 you will wish you had started when you were "only" 28. :-D

    I wish you best of luck with fulfilling your dreams!
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I think ageism is real, but to what degree varies.  Like racism.

    For sure your age doesn't make it impossible, so I'd push into the dream if you have the will.
  • Marshkin
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    Marshkin polycounter lvl 9

    This is a panel from last years GDC that I feel hits most of the major beats. 

    https://www.artstation.com/artist/damocles is a good example of a portfolio that isn't super fancy but ever image showcases his work to it's fullest potential. 

    I'm not sure what tools you want to use to showcase your work.
    Marmoset has this tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rExUxlklCY4
    Google the program you want to use and "render setup" or something similar. Search for previous threads in Polycount covering the subject. 
  • samnwck
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    samnwck polycounter lvl 9
    I'll post this example, the artist Masa Narita worked as an engineer and consultant for like 20 years. When he got to 40 years old left his job consulting and became an artist for film and was able to be the lead armor designer for Iron Man 3 in just a few years. Ultimately, they care about the work more than anything. Focus on producing stuff at industry standards and the other things will become secondary, I won't discount that ageism could be a factor, but if you have a really nice portfolio I doubt it'd be an issue. 

  • BucketOfNuggets
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    BucketOfNuggets polycounter lvl 6
    I'm 29 and only just got my first 3d job. I went through the same mental problems as you are now.  The thing you have to do is be dedicated. You either are an artist or you're not.  

    You have to give up drinking/going out/holidays etc and just knuckle down. This was the hardest part for me. I think you will need to decide if it's a hobby or not.

    I still have a long way to go before I can drop a resume at Sony Santa monica :smiley: but my age is a huge factor for me to work harder and longer knowing I need to make up for squandered time.

    I love my new job and the people are really great. Being older and having a lot of real life experience gave me more confidence and a strong work ethic. I also found it easier to connect with the leads as they were closer to my age. 

    You need to be able to take criticism and orders from younger people and not be a douche about it.  Some older folk have a big problem with this. 

    In regards to your portfolio, it seems all over the place. I'm not to sure what your trying to be. I'd probably keep envy up and hide the rest. You only want your best shown. I'd also suggest setting up an artstation. 

  • heartlessph1l
    Don't stress out about your age guys... we'll probably have to work until we reach 70 or something.
  • AGoodFella
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    AGoodFella polycounter lvl 5
    I'm 25, turning 26 soon. Do you think this is an issue for me? I'm trying to break into the industry as an animator.
  • SpaceRogue
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    SpaceRogue polycounter lvl 3
    32 here, still have a long way to go but I rather end up working in a studio at age 40 then remain working in supermarkets for the next 30 or 40 years after that. I mean, thats a looooong time to be had for feeling bad about never doing the thing you want to do. 
  • vgreksa
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    vgreksa polycounter lvl 2
    Hey guys,

    Thank you all for your replies!

    It gives me some comfort that I am not the only one in the same situation! :-) I guess quitting was never really an option here, was it?

    I will clean up the portfolio for sure, it is really a mixed bag right now.

    I wish you all best of luck with your future endeavors!
  • heartlessph1l
    I'm 25, turning 26 soon. Do you think this is an issue for me? I'm trying to break into the industry as an animator.
    Are you serious? you're 25 dude, not 125!
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    While ageism is real, at 25-26, the effects should be pretty muted.
  • Eric Chadwick
    We have lots of info on our wiki about presentation, and about finding work. Might help you.


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