Hi all! I'm trying to project a decimated blade onto a model with proper topology. Thing is, the tip of the blade is not reaching the rest of the model.
I've pushed around the settings for the last hour, but it's not coming out right. Is there more I could do? Is this a "need a cage" kind of moment? Or should I not make the tip of the blade so fine?
The goal is to get the high and low poly of the model into substance and create the normals that way. Perhaps it will take care of itself in Substance if I just make sure the naming convention in substance is correct. Any guidance would be amazing

If all else fails, you're in Zbrush. Just fix it manually.
To be honest, I tested that Zbrush's projection with a retopoed head and the result was perfect. I mean I had HP head and lower res head with a good topology subdivided as high as possible and the projection came out identical to the HP source. No cleanup whatsoever. IMO it's superior tool inside ZBrush.
As you said, musashidan, the projection is overall better the more geometry you have though.