You know that idea you get when you complete a sketch you think to yourself, "eh I think it would be nice to make something out of this". So I was like yah I'll definitely add some textures, details, etc. Then you get another idea, "I should really expand this further!!!" Which is where I'm at currently.
Today my goal is to get two sculpted landscapes from world machine. A mountain for the back drop, the main terrain sculpt and populate it with some tree's and foliage I have made so far. Will update this post later today with what I've got.
I would do #1. Also the leaves could do with some curvature. And i think you should have a stark difference between the environment mat and the sphere. I think material definition is going to be key for you. Ill keep an eye on this.
So I listened to what others had to say and I agreed that I was going to go for something a bit more detailed. However after some more work messing around the environment I decided to do a sculpt that more placed around the environment and the people within it.
Your odd silvery ball looks a lot more detailed than any of the other pieces of your scene. Just like you want to keep texel density the same across a scene, apparent poly density should also be kept (at least somewhat) uniform.
EG the ball has a lot more detail, and a lot more texel density than the rock edge below it in this shot:
The scene is also so dark in the shadows I can't even do a paintover to show how to improve it, it's literally pitch black.
The scene is also so dark in the shadows I can't even do a paintover to show how to improve it, it's literally pitch black.
Lighting hasn't been baked in yet but apologies if its extremely dark. Hard to gauge as my computer it still seems pretty bright but, I'll make some corrections with the skylight and resubmit the image if that helps. As far as telex density for that rock I'll fix that up right away.
You know that idea you get when you complete a sketch you think to yourself, "eh I think it would be nice to make something out of this". So I was like yah I'll definitely add some textures, details, etc. Then you get another idea, "I should really expand this further!!!" Which is where I'm at currently.
Here is some images of the environment.
EG the ball has a lot more detail, and a lot more texel density than the rock edge below it in this shot:
The scene is also so dark in the shadows I can't even do a paintover to show how to improve it, it's literally pitch black.