Hi everyone, I was the character artist on the indie VR game, To The Top.
It was an exciting ride and I had a lot of freedom on this project. I can't say it's my game becuase most of it was in place before I joined but it was really an honor to work on it. As someone who gets motion sick really easily I'm confident in saying this game is a new paradigm in the VR space, the only reason I have to stop is because of all the actual physical activity involved in playing. If you own a Vive I heartily recommend getting it.
I made all of the bodies and most of the masks and hands, it may seem weird having player customization right now but multiplayer is still being worked on and will be unlocked at a later date
http://store.steampowered.com/app/509250/TO_THE_TOP/We've got an awesome soundtrack of local Austin artists as well
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDXNN4p5Vho Here's a little tips and tricks video by the creator
I just got to experiment VR for the first time the other day and I was mentioning that I wanted to see a great VR first person experience that takes advantage of a unique movement.
This looks like it could be it.
I don't personally own a VR but I am going to try to play.
update: 5/22/2017 - top selling VR game on steam!