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Garden Apartment - Unreal Engine Environment

polycounter lvl 4
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Snweos polycounter lvl 4
Unreal Engine Environment I created solo.


Modelled primarily in Maya 2017.
Some of the objects had high sculpts created from the base mesh in Zbrush, which were baked out as normal maps. Mostly the leather furniture.

The objects were textured in Substance Painter 2 for the most part, with some use and touch-ups done with Photoshop.
Textures were sourced from Textures.com / Substance Share / Default Substance Library. 1 or 2 were made in Substance Designer myself. City Background image was sourced from somewhere I've forgotten about, but it was non-commercial use.

For the plant textures, the Palm Plant and the Snap Dragon flowers were hand painted in Photoshop. The smaller flowers and the grass was sourced from MegaScans.

The scene was put together in Unreal Engine 4.15. Heavy use of instanced materials with parameters was used. Scene set up for free floating camera, collisions are not set up.


  • Snweos
    Offline / Send Message
    Snweos polycounter lvl 4
    I'm aware some of the screenshots, especially in the lounge area are abit dark.

    I don't mind the palm plants being pretty dark / black because they have nice silhouettes. However the garden bed structure itself is probably darker then I would like in the 2nd screenshot.
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