Hello world.
I'm finally getting around to posting personal work after lurking for a while. This is a piece I've just taken from stepped to linear. I love watching martial arts forms so I wanted to do my own version. It's been a challenge to modifying the timing to spice it up without loosing what makes it so pretty.
There's a few areas I especially need to focus on.
Bonus points for notes on places where the root and spine could be better at driving the motion, the swooshy torso part 60 frames into the clip, and overall timing because I tend to not exaggerate enough.
I'd love as much feedback as you have time for. Rip it up

https://syncsketch.com/sketch/153682#184386Reference: Just the first 11 seconds.
Thanks to the mystery person who left some comments/drawings. I think I've worked out a lot of the little motions that help give the movements a nice flow. My plan from here is to going to do a hands and feet pass, a head tracking pass, and then dive into curves.
I could still really use critique! Especially about timing.
Hand passes, feet passes, etc come in later. Right now, I would nail down the poses.
It's a Kiel Rig isn't it? It has good tool for FK/IK matching I think? I'd pop it all into spline and see how things look along the way and adjust as you go.
Right now the arms are all FK. I'm currently switching between rotation axis on both arms because they've been pretty troublesome (would love to hear better solutions if you have them, especially for this rig). That's the cause some little pops and weird interps. I expect that I may have to do some of the final in IK once I've made sure I have the motion all planned out.
AGoodFella, you're right about the poses. I was hesitant to push them because the timing doesn't allow for it in some areas, but I'll just need to adjust that too. Frame 159 is a good example of that. In order to push him further to the left I just need to give more time for that translation so he's not ping ponging back and forth.
Thanks for the feedback ere'body!
https://syncsketch.com/sketch/153682#195077 (same link as above)
At f61, I feel like his right shoulders pops up to quick. Also, I feel like the body and spine hits a few walls from 60 to f118 or so.
Make the speed gradually slow down at f101 for his left hand. I feel the slow down is a little abrupt.
f160 - the kerk back from his hips feels awkward.
Pop in his right knee around f203
f224 - he's off balance
f246 - his left wrist looks busted