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Shotgun Walk Part Deux

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AGoodFella polycounter lvl 5

Been working on this shotgun walk:


It's based off of this walk:


Pretty much everything from the waist down is identical. I don't want to change the speed or stride length because I'm going to combine the two walks and animate a cool transition.

If anyone has any crits/ notes before I bake this down, it would be much appreciated.



  • LloydHallam
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    LloydHallam polycounter lvl 8
    I feel like her right arm is too high, it looks awkward, it needs to be much more relaxed. She's also leaning a little to far forward from the waist up. What reference did you use?
  • AGoodFella
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    AGoodFella polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I recorded myself. I don't really want a relaxed walk. I have a relaxed walk with the shotgun on her shoulder.

    I want this walk to be a bit more tense and determined. Not too much but a bit more tight, that's why the shotgun is high and she's leaning forward. 

    Ideally, I do want a more relaxed arm but it keeps penetrating the massive shotgun stock. In my ref, I used something smaller but this shotgun is pretty big.

    Maybe, I will just have to lower the gun to relax her elbow, I want the shtgun to be higher but maybe I will just have to compromise.

    I did a quick test by lowering the shotgun, is this what you mean:

  • ikhaled0n
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    ikhaled0n vertex
    Nice walk and my comment would be on the gun i felt like her body is moving but the gun and her arms are almost stable, someone agrees with me? 
  • LloydHallam
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    LloydHallam polycounter lvl 8
    If you want a more determined look, have the gun pointed forwards somewhat. She needs to be ready if something pops out at her. Imagine a scenario, she's a lone survivor in a post-apocalyptic world walking through an abandoned building and she's approaching a corner where she's sure she just heard a noise.

    Always remember to use and combine several different references. Take a look at Demoman in this shot, it's short, (Starting at time: 1:19) but I think it may give you some inspiration if nothing else.

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