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[UE4] Scene based on Hokusai’s work - please help to test!

Could I ask for help on testing my dissertation project?

This project is a recreation in UE4 of Hokusai's Lake Suwa in Shinano Province.

Video showing off scene: https://youtu.be/u4aPtn56Gqk

The purpose of the dissertation is testing the effect of interactivity on fact retention and engagement, so I'd really like people to test it.

In order to test, please choose to either download the scene to play through using the number keys, wasd and the mouse (~370mb) or read through the infosheet.
Then, please fill out the questionnaire. 

Scene download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5LWSM-KvhjPOWVNSktmaThTYXM

Infosheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5LWSM-KvhjPZTJCbW5LOEpCX00

Questionnaire: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeat_os4oQa9hK0oyAheSKuCP8PjY5__H4eaIdAfs_xMrqG8g/viewform?usp=sf_link

Any comments on the scene itself or how I could improve it would also be helpful.

Thank-you for your time!

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