Haayy everybody! I've been working on my first full 3D model for a while and decided to give her an own thread where I'll keep updating the progress instead of clogging my road to sculpting.
So I started with a quick concept. Normally I plan out my concept quite well, but I knew what I wanted and directly went for it. I tested around with colors, some hairstyles and crown designs but I ended up liking this the most.

And with that done, I went straight into the sculpting!
I started with the main body shape, which was quite challenging. I've been staring at anatomical pictures for god knows how long.

After that I finished my first facial pass. I went for a more stylish look instead of hyper realistic, which I'm happy with. I had to fix a few things here and there but yeh!

And then the long trial of creating the main shapes began!
I decided to change the design a bit, based on what felt right to make. All in all, I think that I made a good choice to change her design. The change of the front cape makes her outfit more useable (imagine walking with that?!) and to make up for that I added more details to the fur area around her shoulders.
Now I also kinda over detailed some things already for the stage I was in. BUT HEY. I never expected my workflow to be good at one go.
Now it's time to fix the dress a bit (marvelous designer decided to mess me over) and add all the details. I've been waiting so long for this. Especially the fur!
Just taking my very darn time
The cards are a bit messed up due to blender being a derp. But this is what I've decided to do with the fur. It's honestly on the high side when it comes to the poly count, too high for my taste. But I'm happy with the result, especially the black parts.