Hello Guys, I am currently having a little bit of trouble with xNormal. Normally I am exporting my meshes as obj from Maya to use it in xNormal. I am using smaller Object groups to get a cleaner normalmap. xNormal now says that my meshes have to be made of triangles or quads, which is normally not a Problem. I have used the Cleanup to determine the nGons. Maya selects several nGons on my mesh, which are only quads. When I use the Cleanup to select only quads, it selects all faces of my mesh. So basically some of my faces are quads and nGons at the same time?? I tried to to let Maya cleanup my mesh but it gets messed up when i do this. Now I have grouped my meshes and exported them as a single fbx and now xNormal works fine. When I try to export the smaller objects as single fbx, xNormal doesnt want to bake again because of nGons. Has someone a solution for my Problem or is it a bug which i couldn't find anywhere?