For this project i wanted to do a a real-time fanart of Squall Leonhart (from final fantasy 8, not the dissidia version). It was the occasion to learn new softwares and also finally try marmoset 3.
Still i encountered a little problem that i wasn't able to fix with the normal maps. I tried different techniques but it seems that i'm stuck with it (I thought of changing the seams in last resort, but i don't want to lose resolution on the head, + it doesn't fix the problem wich i'd like to understand to avoid it in future projects). I tried baking with and without triangulation, the uv islands in the same direction, making "smoothing groups", changing the options for the baking (open GL, DirectX...). The normals appeared good in substance painter wich i used for the baking, so i don't really know what to think. I'm calling it done for now, but if someone has a miracle technique or solution that escaped me, i'm open for it !
Bigger images on artstation